Management of allergy in children and teenagers Please click on the links below to read our articles. If you are interested in research findings, click here for links to research reports. ![]() Food families relevant in allergy. A helpful post on the Allergy Insight blog listing plant and fish food families. If you are allergic to one member of a family there is a greater likelihood that you may react to any food in that family - although you also may not. However, if you are unable to trace the cause of a new reaction, looking at the food family of your main allergen/s may come up with a link. August 2020 The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) runs a UK allergy service finder listing NHS allergy clinics across the UK. You can only access these clinics thorugh your GP who will refer you/your child if you allergy is deemed to be sufficently serious or complex. However, having the details of possible clinics to hand when you visit your GP could be helpful. The BSACI pages include maps of where the clinics are to be found and details of what services they offer: a child/adult/child and adult service, children's clinics being very much more numerous than adult ones. BSACI Allergy Service Finder. September 2022 Need for national standards, local networks and simulation training in paediatric allergy care. A comprehensive national assessment of paediatric allergy services found that there has been a fourfold increase in paediatric allergy clinics and an approximately sevenfold increase in new patient appointment numbers in the United Kingdom over the past 15 years. Most services are small, with significant regional variation in availability of specific services such as allergen immunotherapy. August 2022 Travelling with allergies. Articles, tips and advice on travelling with allergies. For other helpful articles on the mangement of food allergies see below here. Callum's Story Callum has 13 major food allergies but his mum, Nathalie, is determined that he is still going to lead a 'normal' life. Follow his progress from a weeping-eczema covered baby to winning his first race at his first sports day! How did it all begin? Callum is now four and and has just started school – with 13 severe food allergies – but how did all this start? Mum, Nathalie, explains that from the first few weeks, they knew that all was not right. October 2016 Starting school with 13 severe food allergies.... Callum is four and is about to start school. But Callum also has 13 severe food allergies. His mum, Nathalie, explains the steps they have taken to ensure that Callum can go safely to school and enjoy a full school life. August 2016 The reality of school.... Callum, with his 13 severe food allergies, make his last minute preparations.... September 2016 Callum's first two weeks at school. How did he get on? Nathalie tells all... October 2016 Callum's first term at school. Callum, with all of his 13 allergies, successfully made it through his first term at school – and performed in the nativity play! But how did Nathalie survive? How hard was it to trust the school to look after him and to deal with crises which did occur? January 2017 Callum's first – and super successful – sports day! July 2017 Helpful articles on the management of food allergies Coping with feeding difficulties in children with allergies. Assistant Psychologist Lucy Spicer and Paediatric Dietitian Rebecca Brocklehurst, from the Children’s Allergy Service, Evelina London Children’s Hospital, offer thier suggestions. October 2019 Fun and safe things to do at Easter. Nathalie has 14 suggestions! March 2018 Managing eczema in cold weather. Nathalie Newman gives us her top tips. February 2018 Helping children face up to food allergy. Action Against Allergy funds what has proved to be a hugely successful psychology service for allergic children and their families at the Children's Allergy Service at Guys and St Thomas' Hospital. Dr Polly James and Roisin Fitzsimmons explain how they can help both allergy sufferers and their families. January 2018 10 ways to 'p' off an allergy mum! Nathalie Newman, mum of multi allergic Callum, lists the 10 absolute 'don'ts' when talking to an allergy mum!! January 2018 Parents' and caregivers' experiences and behaviours when eating out with children with a food hypersensitivity. July 2017 Children’s Allergy Psychology Service moves into charity run boutique hotel on Lambeth Palace Road! August 2017 Low Food Allergy Prevalence Despite Delayed Introduction of Allergenic Foods - Data from the GUSTO Cohort – Asian populations July 2017 Allergy-Free Kids. Can food allergy be prevented in children? Alex Gazzola considers the recent evidence, and reviews a new book, inspired by the LEAP and EAT studies, aimed at parents hoping to do just that. May 2017 How to have a successful allergy testing appointment. Nathalie and Callum have attended more allergy testing appointments than they have had hot breakfasts! Nathalie gives her tips on how best to get through them successfully.April 2017 Top tips for a happy & allergy safe Easter! Nathalie was determined that Callum and his sister Chloe's Easter was not going to be ruined by Callum's allergies. And this is how she did it. April 2017 Living with guilt as an allergy parent. Nathalie should know – she not only has a highly allergic son but other children, a husband and runs her own business! March 2017 That Valentine's day kiss.... Not so simple, or so romantic, if you have a food allergy.... Kate Lawrence looks at some of the research around allergic reactions that have been triggered by a kiss. February 2017 Creating freefrom lunch boxes. Jenny Tschiesche, nutritionist and founder of The Lunch Box Doctor, gives some tips on how to create safe, nutritionist and appealing school lunch boxes. February 2017 Nathalie, mum of four-year-old Callum who has 13 major allergies, gives us her top tips for a safe but fun Christmas. Novmeber 2016 Dr Polly James, Paediatric Clinical Psychologist for Children’s Allergy Service St Thomas’ Hospital since February talks about the service she is providing. August 2016 Action Against Allergy funds two innovative schemes to support children with allergies at Evelina Children’s Hospital at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. March 2016 Cross curricular educational resource for managing allergy in school. Allergy Adventures - four video workshops which provide a cross curricular educational resource for managing allergy in school. March 2016 Food allergy meets the teenage brain. Excellent article in Allergic Living on helping teenagers to mange their allergies safely. October 2015. School Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management for the Pediatrician—educating the family to partner with their schools and encouraging the school to provide reasonable and effective accommodations, as per state or federal guidelines. October 2015 Managing severe allergy in school. Karen Leahy's seven-year-old son Jamie has a nut allergy. Jamie has learned all about his allergy but his school did not seem to know how to deal with it. So his mum sat down and wrote an allergen management policy that schools could follow for their severely allergic children. September 2015 Interview with David Stukus, MD, Assistant rofessor of ediatrics in Allergy and Immunology at Columbus, Ohio's Nationwide Children's Hospital onteh diagnosis of allergy in children. January 2015 Food Allergy Bullying: what you can do. From Allergic Living magazine. November 2014 Lengthy article in Stanford Medicine about the management of food allergy, especially in children, and the use of immunotherapy as a management tool. October 2014 More US states are passing legislation permitting or requiring schools to stock the medication epinephrine to use for any child having a severe allergic reaction. September 2014 Milwaukee Public School develop protocol for treating severe allergic reactions in school. September 2014 Managing Food Allergies In The School System. Interviews with parents of allergic children and their school carers in Wichita. September 2014 The Allergy-free Baby and Toddler Book by Charlotte Muquit and Dr Adam Fox. Excellent guide for parents. May 2014 How to get a 504 plan for your food-allergic child at school. 2013 New US voluntary guidelines for managing allergies in school could be helpful to parents of allergic children outside the US. November 2013 Flying with allergies. Helpful advice from Allergic Living on travelling by air with children with food allergies. Food Allergies in Children – Dr Adam Fox, Consultant Paediatric Allergist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals. Part of the annual Nutrition and Health Live event – November 2013 Alexa Baracacia's presentation at an industry conference on freefrom in catering gives a vivid picture of what it is like living with a multiply allergic small child. October 2013 Child food stylists are lifesavers for kids' parties as they cater to allergies. September 2013 Anaphylaxis Campaign conference – Managing allergies in children and young people – October 2013 Vacationing without your food allergic children. Basic tips to make this possibility a reality. January 2013 Guidelines for allergen management in schools from a school in Massachusetts – a useful template for schools that do not have their own. February 2013 How do you explain allergies to your small child? Helpful blog on What Allergy? with a lot of useful suggestions. February 2013 Helpful article in Fox News about the problems of dating if you have allergies. February 2013 Helpful video for parents and teachers of children with allergies. September 2012 'Back to School' with Allergies – prepare for detentions, homework – and essay writing! Mel Fenson (Pig in the Kitchen to those who follow her blog) tackles the double round of duties of the parent of an allergic child. September 2012 Children should be taught how to avoid common allergens in the classroom, so that they can stay focused on their studies rather than their allergies. August 2012 Summer camps in Arizona for children with anaphylactic food allergies. June 2012 One third of allergic children being bullied at school because of their allergies - AAAAI report. March 2012 www.AllergyHome.org: new site run by two allergists in the US to provide practical teaching tools to those who care for children with food allergies. February 2012 Fourteen-year-old Colorado school girl with life threatening milk allergies attends school via a robot! Daily Mail on Line. November 2011 A report in the Evening Tribune on the excellent protocols set up for the management of allergic children in schools in District 186 in Springfield, Illinois. August 2011 Return to school? Doris Rapp's classic 1997 book, Is this your child's world? Is your child allergic to schools? is still a source of excellent information and advice for those whose children struggle to conform or keep up at school. September 2011 Sending an allergic child out into the big, wide world – Eve Menezes Cunningham has some helpful advice. 2011 The parent I-C-E (in case of emergency) app for iPhone or iPod could benefit anyone with an allergy. March 2011 Good dental care especially important for children on special diet. July 2010 Coeliacs and college: tips for parents and prospective students. Useful advice from www.coeliaccentral.org Colleges accommodate more students with food allergies - a long article in USA Today detailing the encouraging progress made in colleges across the USA who are making active efforts to accommodate allergic students. February 2010 Sending an allergic child to their first school – Advice from paediatric allergy nurse specialist, Rebecca Elder. August 2009 Improving allergy safety at school: John Scott compares the provision for allergic children in this country with what is on offer elswhere. 2007 Managing Severe Allergies in Schools: Training for school nurses and staff helps to demystify and promote safe management of severe allergic reactions. Sue Clarke 2007 Hidden allergens in the classroom: John Scott points out some danger areas in the classroom. 2007 Children’s allergy service on the NHS: introducing the new state-of-the-art allergy clinic at the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, UK. By Michelle Berriedale-Johnson. 2007 Teen Troubles: Analysis of the teenage brain and ideas for the best way to help your teenager live stress-free when managing allergy and intolerance. By anne Munoz Furlong. 2006 Tips for food allergic and intolerant children starting school: Gail, Sinfield, a mother of two allergic children, and Foods Matter’s Allergy Agony Aunt, gives some invaluable advice. Teenagers and Anaphylaxis: Information for parents and children about workshops on awareness and confidence among teenagers with severe allergies, providing invaluable feedback for trainers themselves on current thinking among the age group. By Jennifer Percival. 2004 Playschools and allergies: an article about dealing with allergies, epilepsy and coeliac disease in children at a playschool in Cambridge. By Susan Lister. 2004
Research Reports |
Association between childhood allergic diseases, educational attainment and occupational status in later life: systematic review protocol. Oct 2017 A British Medical Journal article presenting details of a planned study to review research considering the impact of allergies on school grades and job outcomes. We await the results of this study with great interest. A preliminary study of gut dysbiosis in children with food allergy. Oct 2017 Preliminary evidence of differences in the gut bacteria of children with food allergies, compared to those without. The coexistence of psychiatric and gastrointestinal problems in children with restrictive eating in a nationwide Swedish twin study August 2017 This large-scale study, looking at nearly 20,000 children in Sweden, found that those with restrictive eating habits were much more likely to have co-existing psychiatric or gastrointestinal conditions. This suggests that in children who present early with restrictive eating patterns it may be important to consider the possibility of co-occurring disorders. Can Early Omega-3 Fatty Acid Exposure Reduce Risk of Childhood Allergic Disease? July 2017 Correlation between serum vitamin D status and immunological changes in children affected by gastrointestinal food allergy. July 2017 Food allergy response capabilities of mothers and related factors. June 2017 "Healthcare seems to vary a lot": A focus group study among parents of children with severe allergy. June 2017 Bullying and quality of life in children and adolescents with food allergy. June 2017 Growth of Children with Food Allergy March 2017 Impact of elimination diets on nutrition and growth in children with multiple food allergies. March 2017 Review suggests that the immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of allergenic foods can provoke oral tolerance if introduced early to infants' diets. Feb 2017 The emotional, social, and financial burden of food allergies on children and their families. March 2017 Establishing the prevalence of low vitamin D in non-immunoglobulin-E mediated gastrointestinal food allergic children in a tertiary centre. Jan 2017 This study assessed vitamin D levels in children with gastrointestinal food allergy at Great Ormond Street Hospital. It was found that children with non-IgE mediated gastrointestinal food allergy are at risk of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency. The Full article is available for free. The Establishment of Cow's Milk Protein Allergy in Infants is Related with a Deficit of Regulatory T cells (Treg) and Vitamin D. Jan 2017 Yogurt consumption in infancy is inversely associated with atopic dermatitis and food sensitization at 5 years of age: a hospital-based birth cohort study.
Jan 2017 Allergic Sensitization at School Age is a Systemic Low-grade Inflammatory Disorder. December 2016 Introducing Allergenic Food into Infants' Diets: Systematic Review. Could Helicobacter Pylori be used to downgrade allergic reactions? November 2016 Pre- and probiotics for allergy prevention: time to revisit recommendations? Does concurrent breastfeeding alongside the introduction of solid food prevent the development of food allergy? October 2016 Assessment of IgE-mediated food allergies in children with atopic dermatitis. September 2016 Giving antibiotics to children increases allergy risk September 2016 Timing of Allergenic Food Introduction to the Infant Diet and Risk of Allergic or Autoimmune Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. September 2016 Early weaning is beneficial to prevent atopic dermatitis occurrence in young children. February 2016 Recent studies suggest that early rather than late introduction of allergenic foods reduces the risk of food allergy. The preferred timing of food introduction might be sooner than the current recommendation, and might apply not only to high-risk infants. April 2016 Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric food allergy: an update 2015 Management of simple food allergy by community paediatricians in Australia appears feasible and acceptable to paediatricians and families alike. November 2015 Recent accumulated evidence suggests that exposure to allergens early in life may promote immune tolerance and contribute to prevent infant food sensitization. May 2014 Alexithymia (the sub-clinical inability to identify and describe emotions in the self resulting in poor emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relating) higher in food-allergic versus healthy children and young adults. September 2015 Food-allergic schoolchildren have a probability of being bullied approximately 2 times higher than healthy peers, in an Italian study. September 2015 Food sensitisation prevalence is highest in infancy and declines after 12 months of age. Food sensitisation at 12 months can predict children at greater risk of adolescent sensitisation and probable food allergy at 12 and 18 years. August 2015 Cow's milk allergy was observed frequently in children with resistant to pharmacologic treatment of GERD. Combined skin prick and specific IgE tests, atopy patch test and oral food challenge is essential for avoidance of unnecessary elimination diet. August 2015 Specific epicutaneous immunotherapy prevents sensitization to new allergens in a murine model. June 2015 Feeding difficulties in children with food protein-induced gastrointestinal allergies. October 2014 The majority of food allergic children who passed an oral food challenge subsequently ate target food regularly and their family's quality of life improved. Adverse reactions were rare and never serious. August 2015 There is a substantial disagreement between SPT and sIgE for diagnosing allergic sensitization in young children, which increases with age for food sensitization. November 2014 Iodine deficiency a risk for children with severely restricted diets. June 2015 Early, aggressive treatment of patients with infantile atopic dermatitis significantly reduces food allergy incidence by 18 months of age. February 2015 German study suggests that regular vaccinations may protect children from allergic disease. December 2014 Mothers managing the diets of children with food allergies say the role of dietary consultants should extend to emotional support and advocacy on parents' behalf with school officials and other care providers. December 2014 Providing parents of allergic children with detailed, individual advice from a dietician is a key component of effective food allergy care. December 2014 Early probiotic supplementation may provide protection against hypersensitivity to food allergens by attenuating inflammatory responses. May 2014 Parents of young children with food allergies should take care not to over protect. Report here. September 2014 Ability of schools in Wisconsin to deal with food allergy questionable. August 2014 The case for a children's multidisciplinary food allergy clinic. May 2014 Could thermal food processing alter food proteins in infant foods to reduce allergenicity with a potential to increase oral tolerance? December 2013 Childhood milk and egg allergies worry parents and caregivers more than peanut allergies. July 2014 An assessment of the mental health care needs and utilisation by families of children with a food allergy. Novemebr 2013 Reviews show that sub-lingual (under the tongue) allergy drops can be beneficial for paediatric allergy patients as well as adults. May 2013 Food-allergic children lag behind their peers on weight and body-mass index (BMI) growth charts, especially if they have milk allergy. February 2013 Bullying is common among food allergic children but less that 50% of parents are aware that it is happening although the children quality of life is condsiderably better when the parents are aware of the problem. January 2013 Airborne particles inside classrooms can be more toxic than those outside. August 2012 Epidemic proportions: food allergies double in ten years. June 2012 Inconsistent use of food allergy emergency action plans in Mississippi. June 2011 Food allergies in children cause anxiety and loneliness, have dramatic impact on their quality of life. February 2011 First study of its kind finds children with food allergies are often victims of bullying. October 2010 Biological reasons why teenagers may take greater risks – and therefore be in more danger of experiencing a serious allergic reaction. June 2010 Sending an allergic child to his first school. July 2009