Alternative and complementary therapies

Please click on the therapy that interests you.

InjunsAcupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine
Blood group testing
Colour therapy
Cranio Sacral therapy
Energy medicine
Helminthic therapy
Herbal medicine
Light therapy - SAD
Mind-body medicine
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Oxygen therapy


Integrative medicine is a relatively new discipline which attempts to combine orthodox medicine with alternative or complementary approaches. In spite of huge resistance to this new discipline on the part of the majority of medics, there is a wealth of historical experience in the use of alternative approaches, and the general public are demanding that these be reconsidered in view of the continuing failure of orthodox Western medicine to adequately guarantee our well being and good health. The appearance of this paper on PubMed is a recognition of this shift in direction. June 2012

New European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regulations, which came into force on January 1st 2010, restrict the sale of a number of nutritional and herbal products which are not deemed to have met required safety standards – although whether these 'standards' are valid is hotly debated. For more information see the Alliance for Natural Health and, for a strongly held opinion, Attorney Jonathan Emord's essay.


These two article on alternative approaches to antibiotics do not logically fit into any of our subsections - but we would not want visitors to miss them...

Antibiotics offer benefits with significant risks – 2010
While taking an antibiotic can, in some circumstances, be a life-saving intervention, over half of all antibiotics cause adverse reactions. They also inevitably lay waste vast numbers of indigenous intestinal microorganisms, a loss from which we may only slowly, and possibly never completely recover...

Alternative antibiotics – 2007
John Scott looks at some alternative, non-drug-based natural antibiotics for those with a drug sensitivity, an intolerance to any of the many excipients used in drug manufacture or any problems with compromised gut flora, they can create far more problems than they solve.


Many sufferers from allergy, intolerance and sensitivity have found that conventional Western medicine has little to offer them in the way of treatment, and have turned therefore to alternative and complementary therapies.

There is a now widely held belief that many chronic and intractable conditions - including allergy, IBS, ME and mental health/behavioural problems - may stem from, and certainly be made worse by, micro-nutrient deficiencies. Proponents of this theory believe that these deficiences have resulted from the intensification of western agriculture, including its use of chemicals, since the second world war, and the simultaneous industrialisation of food production including the widespread use of artificial additives.

Nutritional therapy, or the assessment and correction of nutritional deficiences, therefore holds a prominent position amongst complementary therapies, and is the first port of call of many setting out on the long journey of addressing their own health problems. Please click here to go to the nutritional therapy section.

There are, however, a wealth of other therapies - some ancient, some modern, some relatively conventional, some distinctly 'wacky', that individuals have found helpful. You will find a selection of these in this section.


NB Information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice and no liability can be assumed for its use.

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