Moving on to college (Part 2) |
... Continued from Part 1 Trouble Shooting • Teach your teenager how to anticipate and troubleshoot situations. Think ahead and never let their guard down. Expect surprises! College Preparation For example, when I visited my daughter’s college they wanted her to call them first in an emergency, not 999. I objected but the director explained that if 999 were called from a mobile or university phone the ambulance would not know where to go and valuable minutes would be wasted. Once you have decided on a university Resources The Anaphylaxis Campaign runs regular workshops for teenagers, and for parents. They also have a great deal of support material on their site. Check out: www.anaphylaxis.org.uk tel 01252 542029 FAAN - although this is an American site there is a lot of useful information on it - www.foodallergy.org MedicAlert - for bracelets, necklaces etc with full details of the wearer's allergy, emergency numbers etc. www.medicalert.org.uk www.allergyaction.org Excellent site run by Hazel Gowland, Food Advisor to the Anaphylaxis Campaign. Comprehensive advice on travel and eating out with a serious food allergy. www.coeliac.co.uk Good support group for coeliacs. www.lasg.org.uk Support group for anyone with a latex allergy. Two sites offering stick/sew on labels useful for allergen-free boxes in kitchens etc www.labelitorloseit.com / www.nameitlabels.co.uk www.selectwisely.com A great site for travelling allergics - lots of helpful advice plus allergy cards. First published in 2005 If you found this article interesting, you will find many more articles on anaphylaxis here, and reports of research into anaphylaxis here.