Moving on to College (Part 1) |
Parents of allergic children may think that, as their children get older, life will become simpler. For the lucky ones whose children do grow out of all, or most of their allergies, this will be true. But for those whose children don't, the most nerve wracking time of all may come when they set off for university.The current issue of Food Allergy News (the newsletter of the American Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, FAAN - www.foodallergy.org) carries an article by Carol Risinger, a speaker at a recent FAAN conference, whose daughter is in her second year at university. Her suggestions will be useful for any student - or, indeed, adult - on a restricted diet. |
The parents of children with severe food allergies have a most unpleasant dilemma. Although the natural desire of the parent is to protect the child from all possible harm, the main goal of all parents is to develop a confident and independent young person able to achieve his or her dreams. Accordingly, the parent of a child with food allergies is constantly torn between fear and the need to restrict the child, and granting the child freedom to experience a broad range of conventional and social situations. As the parent of a daughter with a severe tree nut allergy, I had to overcome my fear and let her to explore her academic, social and athletic interests. I wanted her to be a ‘normal' kid who just happened to have a food allergy. In the process of 'letting my child go' I acquired insights and strategies which may be useful to other parents. These strategies should be gradually turned over to your child because, ultimately, the responsibility will be his or hers, not yours. So begin, as early as possible to plan for the day when your child will leave for college. Planning Ahead Eating Out • Make sure that your teenager has several cards as they are inevitably going to lose them. • If possible have the card available in several different languages both for trips abroad and to deal with restaurant staff who do not understand English too well. • There are a number of organisations who can make up laminated cards according to need: www.dietarycard.com and www.allergytranslation.com