Tips on browsing internet health sites |
Michelle Berriedale-Johnson gives some tips on web browsing and John Scott points visitors to some useful sites.
For those with health problems the wonderful world wide web provides access to spectacular quantities of information - but by no means all of it is reliable. So, if you wish to get the best out of this fantastic resource, you need to hone your critical antennae by applying objective criteria to every site you visit. Basically, you always need to know whether: John Scott's suggestions There is a huge amount of health information on the internet, but much of it is of poor quality. Below is a list of sites which provide the very best information available. WebMD www.webmd.com Best Health www.besthealth.bmj.com Mayo Clinic www.mayoclinic.com NHS Choices www.nhs.uk Informed Health Online www.informedhealthonline.com Patient UK www.patient.co.uk MedlinePlus www.medlineplus.gov HealthSiteGuide www.healthsiteguide.com Centers for Disease Control www.cdc.gov
Click here for more articles First Published in 2006 |