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Environmental Medicine ? an overview. Rachel Nicholl from the British Society for Ecological Medicine. This talk was the introduction to a study day on Toxic Metals held by the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in July 2015. Study confirms that bacteria in the gut – and not just liver enzymes – are crucial in allowing herbivores to feed on toxic plants. This raises questions as to whether endangered species raise d in captivity may losetheir ability to consume toxic plants and whether livestock fed antibiotics to promote growth may lose their ability to eat toxic plants like locoweed when drought reduces pasture grass. July 2014 A new study suggests that nanomaterials in food and drinks could interfere with digestive cells and lead to the release of the potentially harmful substances to the environment. June 2014 Maine becomes the second state in the US (the first was Conneticut) to pass legislation requireing GMOs to be labelled in foods but the regulations will not be enforced unless the five contiguous states also pass similar laaws. January 2014 The dangers of nanoparticles in our foods. A Science Daily report on groundbreaking research which suggests that ‘maternal nanomaterial exposures during gestation may result in fewer and smaller offspring." Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic chemical widely used in plastic products including bottles, food can linings, toys and water supply lines. When these plastics degrade, BPA is released into the environment and routinely ingested, but it may be the metabolic changes that take place once BPA is broken down inside the body that pose the greater health threat. October 2012 Higher levels (up to 400ppm) of ammonia are to be allowed for cleaning food processing equipment in the US, risking the chemical leaching into processed foods. Regulation amendment here; comment from Courthouse News here. August 2012 Pesticide threat to bees to be investigated by UK parliament. Two blogs on the Guardian, here and here, on the growing evidence the neonicitinoid pesticides cause significant harm to bees. September 2009 Are you allergic to your office? Allergy UK asks how many people may be allergic to the moulds and mites in their poorly ventilated offices; FoodsMatter asks how many of them may also be affected by the electrosmog in those offices and in the surrounding environment?September 2012 Toxic clothing – Frances Dale does a roundup of information on the web – including what you might wish to avoid while purchasing school uniforms. September 2009 The dangers of compact fluorescent bulbs. Whatever worries you may have about the electromagnetic radiation they put out, this report shows the horrendous damage their mercury content can do.April 2009 Tests reveal lead content of lipsticks is above that allowed in candy bars – Febuary 2012 NB Biolab Medical Unit maintain a database of medical doctors specialising in nutritional and environmental medicine, and allergy. All doctors on the list are familiar with Biolab investigations and are either members of professional organisations for doctors working in this field or regularly attend Biolab workshops for doctors. Possible health effects of BPA – a useful run down of health problems which have been linked to BPA April 2011 Interesting article in MSN Health about the nature of dust in the home, its dangers and how to keep it under control. September 2010 White dental fillings may leach BPA A long, and very interesting, article on 'Genetically Modified Foods : Monsanto's Weapon of Mass Destruction' on GhanaWeb. September 2010 Toxic glue may penetrate food packaging – and the discovery of a non-toxic, vegetable-oil-based glue which could replace it.July 2010 Environmental Toxins Affect the Body's Hormone Systems Phthalate and antibiotic levels in the body plummet after five-day vegetarian diet. Research and article. Bisphenol A to be found in many favourite foods – article in The Independent Gay moths to help growers protect British apple crop Environmental Toxins – a lengthy article in TIME magazine on the millions of chemicals to be found everywhere in the environment from the Antarctic to baby's bottles, the realisation that far tinier molecules than had been thought have the power to harm human health, and the currently absurd situation that pertains in the US where chemicals are deemed to be safe unless the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can prove otherwise, rather than the precautionary approach which would deem every chemical to be dangerous until their makers can prove otherwise. April 2010 The future of food – Cressida Boyd checks out recent activity around our looming global food crisis. Dodgy drinking water... Healthy water – Sarah Merson reviews the case for water filtration and, if you choose to filter your water, how you might go about it. 2010 US wants farmers to use coal waste on fields US drinking water widely contaminated Thoughts on the nutritional and environmental potential of marine species and the pollution estuaries and coastal waters – Professor Michael Crawford – December 2009 BPA found in aluminium water bottles as well as plastic ones – and in tin cans... Infants in the USA exposed to unsafe levels of thyroid-damaging perchlorate. Lino versus vinyl – low allergen and environmentally friendly Ditch the bleach – for electrolyzed water Managing environmental Illness – Dr George Carlo – courtesy HealthKeepers Magazine Ecologist report on UK air pollution Are Contaminants Silencing Our Genes? Toxic nerve agents from airoplane engines can 'bleed' into ventilation systems causing serious and irreversible health damage to passengers and crew Are bees the new canaries? Nicky Greenham of www.chemicalfree.co.uk 2009 Plastics in the kitchen - a warning guide courtesy of Seventh Generation - 2009 Testing for health: an overview of some of the tests carried out at Breakspear Hospital – Michelle Berriedale-Johnson 2009 The Incurable Patient: MCS, EMHS and allied challenges Super E Homes - for the environment, for asthma and for allergies Iratherm – turning up the heat: an investigation into how raising the core body temperature could be positively curative – James Mallinson 2004
Research Reports
The alternatives to BPA that are being used in the manufacture of “BPA-free” products are not necessarily safer. December 2015 Because of the growing restrictions on the use of bisphenol A in food contact materials, several bisphenol analogs are now being used instead. A way of identifying them. November 2015 Exchanging melamine for stainless steel food containers could dramtically reduce the amount of the potentially harmful melamine ingested. August 2015 200 scientists warn of the dangers of non-stick cookware and other household products using perfluorinated chemical (PFAS). A report onteh Dr Mercola site. June 2015 Food additives more harmful in combination. Long report on the Dr Mercola site on the possibly harmful effects of small amounts of food additives used in combination. June 2015 Sub-lethal exposure to neonicotinoids impaired honey bees winterization before proceeding to colony collapse disorder. Bulletin of Insectology 67 (1): 125-130, 2014 Glyphosate is the “textbook example” of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins – result – most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet such as coeliac disease, autism, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases. January 13 Pregnant women who are highly exposed to the common environmental chemicals, polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), have babies that are smaller at birth and larger at 20 months of age. August 2012 Phthalates in personal care products may increase risk of diabetes in women July 2012 Early-life exposure to PCE, a chemical in drinking water, may affect vision July 2012 Pollution levels in some kitchens are higher than city-center hotspots – June 2012 Endocrine disrupting compounds, triclosan and parabens, both commonly used in Western Scoiety, significantly associated with allergic sensitisation.June 2012 – and - 'Safe' levels of arsenic in drinking water compromise the health of pregnant and lactating mice and their offspring.May 2012 Lead dust from vehicles using leaded gasoline has been linked to instances of aggravated assault two decades after exposure. April 2012 Research has linked environmental chemicals (such as pesticides, solvents, and air pollutants) to increasing rates of asthma and allergies but evidence suggests that oral supplementation of N-acetylcysteine and the use of sulforaphanes might be helpful. March 2012 Exposure to environmental toxins can reach through three generations. Full research here, comment here. January 2012 Concerns over health implications of high levels of engineered nanoparticles in food and vitamins -Febuary 2012 High levels of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in candies and sweets may pose health risk to children– Febuary 2012 Is cadmium as dangerous for children as lead? – from the Scientific American Air pollution linked to cognitive decline in older women Impact of air pollution on allergic diseases - the Korean Jurnal of Internal Medicine Detergent enzymes in healthcare workspaces cause asthma and rhinitis Classroom allergy due to electric air fresheners Exposure to chlorine may affect boys’ fertility later in life Greenpeace research reveals toxic chemicals in biggest clothing brands Scented laundry products emit hazardous chemicals through dryer vents Dogs and flame retardant chemicals Gender and hygiene: could cleanliness be hurting girls Packaging seriously contaminated by PBDE flame retardant "Toxic toy crisis" requires fresh solutions Dangerous chemical in food wrappers can migrate to humans PGE chemicals in bedroom air significantly increases risk of asthma, hay fever and eczema November 2010 Human exposure to BPA 'grossly underestimated' Phenols, phthalates, and phytoestrogens may affect pubertal development in teenage girls. Earliest Exposures. A research project by the Washington Toxics Coalition tested nine apparently healthy, 'clean-living' pregnant women during their second trimester for chemicals including bisphenol A, phthalates, mercury, and “Teflon chemicals.” They found that the womens' bodies were contaminated with chemicals found in a wide variety of consumer products. 2010 Flame retardants show up in our foodNovember 2009 while new research suggests that they can affect the neurodevelopment of young children January 2010 The problem – Toxic cabin air found in new plane study March 2009 ) the answer? Boeing Dreamliner could the answer to toxic air in airplaine cabins January 2010 Ultrafine particles in indoor air of a school: possible role of secondary organic aerosols GM crops in trouble – contamination and toxicity both appear clear Undesirable chemicals/heavy metals found everywhere – in our bodies, on the top of mountains – yet the information is kept secret – three reports - December 2009 Tests find more than 200 chemicals in newborn umbilical cord blood Pavement sealcoat a source of toxins in stormwater runoff and contaminated house dust Mothers' exposure to phthalates linked to un-masculine play in young boys Particles from car brakes harm lung cells Men exposed to high levels of the chemical bisphenol-A report erection problems and lower sex drive New report reveals significant levels of phthalates and VOCs in PVC and vinyl shower curtains Potted plants can give off VOCs Flame retardants show up in our food The Food Standards Agency (UK) and organic food – again... Mercury contamination found in a quarter of US fresh water fish exceeds safe levels How mercury becomes toxic in the environment First plastic went after babies – now it's causing problems in the lab Pesticides and Parkinson's disease www.greenhealthwatch.com - a quarterly magazine which gives the other side of the story on how environmental pollution and the way we live affect our health, and of the actions we can take to protect it. Lower doses of Bisphenol-A than were thought dangerous have significant effect on rats. Artifical sweeteners which evade sewage treatment may contaminate drinking water Nitrates may be an environmental trigger for Alzheimer’s, diabetes and Parkinson's Disease Massive Indian study seeks cause for allergy in modern life The waterways of North America, Europe and East Asia are polluted with antibiotics, antimicrobials and antifungals according to a new article in Environmental Health Perspectives. Air and water pollution may be more harmful than was realised Mould toxins more dangerous than was thought Concern over the widespread and unsupervised use of nanoparticles New rules on pesticide residues bring Europe into line Plastic used in food and medicine containers could affect mood and memory Methylmercury warning Exposure to low doses of mercury changes the way arteries work Even foetuses are harmed by air pollution Evidence that perchlorate may reduce iodine levels in breast milk Bees:
colony collapse disorder Chronic stress alters our genetic immune response The Rhythm of Life New research shows that even a short exposure to diesel fumes can affect your brain Disinfectant pollution of water Perchlorate pollution of water Pollution warning from the placenta Mercury contaminates food chain in areas once considered to have a pristine environment Could the effects of chemical toxins be transgenerational? The toxins inside us Rivers: a cocktail of second hand drugs Polar bears under threat from porulybrominated diphenyls Prenatal Exposure to toxic chemicals First Published in September 2006 NB Information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice and no liability can be assumed for its use.