Chemical sensitivities

Please click on the links below to read our articles. If you are interested in research findings, click here for links to research reports.

For a good general introduction to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity see this article on the MCS aware site; for an in depth discussion of the conditionsee this excellent paper by Professor Malcolm Hooper, chief scientific adviser, among many other things, to the Gulf War Veterans.

Making your house care for you. Nicky Greenham was bed-bound with multiple chemical and electromagnetic sensitivities and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for many years. Gradually, largely through 'cleaning her environment' she has regained her health. On the way she started a national charity, MSC-aware, and is now offering one to one consultations on how to 'clean' your home so that it can support you rather than make you ill. November 2019

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - Is your foam mattress depressing you?....
Maxima Skelton and her husband Don established The Healthy House in the early 1990s when very little was known about chemical sensitivity – as Maxima had found to her cost! Maxima describes what MCS is and how to recognise the signs in either yourself or someone else. She then gives some suggestions as to how you might manage the condition. October 2017

Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Having been so badly affected by chemicals in recent years, Annali Lowdon decided to take action – and has come up with a number of practical suggestions as to how both individuals and business can help. March 2016

Additive-free toothpaste: John Scott gives his recipe for chemical-free home made toothpaste. First published 2007; revised and updated 2014

Helminthic therapy helpful in the management of MCS – blog post. For other instances see the Gut Buddies blog. June 2014

Could ‘toxicant-induced loss-of tolerance', or TILT, resulting for 70 years of exposure to powerful yet untested-for-safety chemicals explain the 50% rise in allergies between 1997 and 2011? November 2013

Toxicant-induced loss of tolerance - An emerging theory of disease? Claudia S. Miller. An interesting paper from 1997

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Multi Sensitivity– Albert Donnay - courtesy of of the Environmental Illness Resource 2008 & 2012

Story in 31/10/11 Daily Mail about a 29 year old with multiple food and chemical allergies who has had her funding for neutralisation therapy at the Breakspear Hospital (that has been enabling her to manage her allergies) withdrawn. November 2011

If you are chemically sensitive you may wish to avoid dry cleaned clothes. An article by Jennifer Manning on the Environmental Chemistry website. March 2006

Helminths reduce Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – John Scott reports August 2011

New allergen-free houses in Switzerland
January 2011

From foods to chemicals – Anna Locatelli charts her increasing sensitivity to life...
October 2010

Landmark chemical legislation introduced to protect the health of American families
April 2010

How to make a chemical-free hand sanitiser from essential oils – instructions and video.
June 2009

Very useful article on the Planet Thrive website suggesting 12 ways that those with severe chemical or electricty sensitivity can keep warm. Febuary 2010

Protect yourself from VOCs when opening electronics packages
Febuary 2010

Possible harmful effects of hand 'sanitisers'
Courtesy of Latitudes, the journal of the Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy - 2009

Some comments on the ES/MCS fall out from different types of dental fillings - from Debbie Taylor (courtesy of ES UK) and holistic dentist Adam Sapera. 2009

Joining up the dots: an overview of chemical sensitivity - what it is and how we can take action – Lesley Williams 2009

MCS International TV MCS International has put together a video library of chemical sensitivity stories which you can view on line.
December 2008

Eliminating tics through diet and reducing the chemical load -
2009 Courtesy of Latitudes the Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy

Building biology testing systems and guidelines for sleeping areas cover electromagnetic fields, chemicals and fungi/bacteria. They were drawn up by BAUBIOLOGIE MAES on behalf and with the support of the Institut für Baubiologie+Ökologie NeubeueIB. The most current version, SBM-008, was translated into English in 2008.
1. Building biology evaluation guidelines for sleeping areas
2. Standard of building biology testing methods SBM-2008
3. Questions and answers about the guidelines

Why do I have ME and multiple chemical sensitivity and what can I do about it? An article covering possible causes, the effects and some treatments for ME and MCS – Margaret Moss 2008

REACH - Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals - 2007: Michelle Berriedale-Johnson looks at the new EU legislation

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity- 2007: At the age of 11 Matthew Hogg was diagnosed with CFS/ME. Having spent a great deal of time researching his own condition he has now created a website - - on which he has gathered a prodigious library of information. Click here to read more.

Chemicals, chemical 'sense' - and E numbers... 2006: The Royal Society of Chemistry and chemical scientists in general are increasingly worried about the bad press that ‘chemicals’ get amongst those who seek to live and eat ‘naturally’ and ‘organically’. Michelle Berriedale-Johnson assesses the arguments.

The Chemical Connection - 2005: Dr Paula Baillie, author of Stop the 21st Century Killing You, looks at how chemicals are poisoning our immune systems and may be leading to allergy, food intolerance and chronic illness - and what we can do about it.

Breakspear Hospital and Dr Jean Munro: The research and experimentation by Dr Munro into nutritional medicine offers a long-term return to health for sufferers of various ailments where conventional medicine has failed – Michelle Berriedale-Johnson 2001



NB Information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice and no liability can be assumed for its use.

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Research Reports


Chemical intolerance contributes to the illnesses of 1 in 5 patients but the condition seldom figures in their diagnosis. July 2012

Why do smells make some people sick?
January 2012

BPA exposure in the womb linked to behavioural problems in young girls
October 2011

Multiple fragrance ingredients may cause greater allergic sensitisation than a single fragrance. July 2011

Environmental chemicals found in pregnant US women
January 2011

Chemical regulations and the modern mattress: the stuff of nightmares
August 2010

PBDE flame retardants affecting women's ability to reproduce.  
January 2010

Scientists discover way to prevent phthalates leaching out of PVC   
Febuary 2010

Toxic turf – lead and other toxic materials in artificial turf
07/08 and an update – 11/09

Chemical cocktail 'risk to boys' future fertility' September 2009

Baby bottle makers ditch BPA...
March 2009

but toxins still common in baby products
March 2009

Dangerous printer particles identified
March 2009

European food safety authority issues statement on 4-methylbenzophenone in some breakfast cereals
March 2009

The US Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses has finally concluded that Gulf War illness exists.
November 2008

Artifical turf on sports fields could harbour dangerous chemical residues
July 2008

Nonstick chemicals damaging to immune systems
July 2008

Non stick packaging – future implications
May 2008

Air travellers at risk of toxic fumes
March 2008

Are Teflon residues implicated in allergy?
Febuary 2008

Over-the-counter medicated creams may be lethal if incorrectly used
Febuary 2008

Chlorella may help to reduce dioxin residues in breast milk
December 2007

Musk residues found in breastmilk
December 2007

Toxic metals in artifical colourings
November 2007

Pet cat thyroid disease epidemic linked to flame retardants
November 2007

REACH - Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
July 2007

Baby bottles release toxic chemical
July 2007

Adrenal burnout – a possible cause of MCS?
June 2007

Multiple chemical sensitivity – historical hysteria?
April 2007

The toxins inside us
January 2007

New cars give off dangerous levels of chemicals
May 2006

Insect sleuths could track down chemicals
April 2006


First Published in April 2006

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