Using gluten-free personal care products and gloves when handling wheat containing foods can reduce eczema symptoms in coeliac patients |
A study from Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, has looked at 14 female patients affected by coeliac disease and the benefits of using gluten-free personal care products. The patients in the study had eczematous lesions on their faces, necks and arms after using gluten-containing emollient cream, bath or face powder, or after handling foods containing wheat and durum wheat. Five of the 14 had positive results after skin patch testing with wheat and durum wheat, with inflammation of the skin and blisters where the patches had been applied. When the patients used gluten-free personal care products and wore gloves before handling wheat-containing foods, they had an improvement in their eczema symptoms and no relapses for 6 months afterwards. Source: Dermatitis: contact, atopic, occupational, drug September 2012 More research on the management of coeliac disease
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