Freddy the Mouse
allergy books for small children


Nutmeg front coverThe 'Freddy the Mouse' are a series of paperback books written by Josie Warburton, herself the mother of an anaphylactic daughter, to educate three
to six-year-olds with severe food
allergy and anaphylaxis in a gentle and age-appropriate way.

The books follow the adventures of
Freddy the Mouse and his friends
Nutmeg, Isobel, Ginger, and Bones (a squirrel, another mouse, a fox and a pirate...) all of whom suffer from different severe allergies.

They are really lovely fun books and a hugely useful tool for families trying to teach their with food allergy how to remain safe.

The five books in the series are:

Freddy meets Nutmeg: The squirrel who was allergic to nuts
Freddy meets Isobel: The mouse who was allergic to milk
Freddy meets Ginger: The fox who was allergic to eggs
Freddy meets Bones: The pirate who was allergic to fish
Freddy goes flying: The important lesson about flying with a nut allergy

They cost £5.99 each or £25 if you buy the whole series at once either from or from Amazon.

Here are just two pages from Freddy meets Nutmeg to give you a flavour:


Nutmeg 2

If you found this article interesting, you will find many more articles on anaphylaxis here, and reports of research into anaphylaxis here.
You can also find articles on peanut and tree-nut allergy here, cow's milk allergies here, egg allergy here, histamine intolerance hereand articles on a wide range of other allergic and intolerance reactions to a wide range of other foods here.

