Alert5 – Emergency alarm app |
The recently launched Alert5 app was originally designed by IT specialist, Lee Henderson ten years ago when he heard of a young girl who got in a cab and was then abducted, raped and murdered after her covert 999 call was dismissed by the police as a handbag call. But at that point the technology was not available to transmit an accurate location, so the plan was shelved. Now, ten years later, GPS technology is very much more sophisticated so it is perfectly possible to send accurate location details automatically from the phone. This is obviously of great value to anyone who might be abducted but also has immense potential within the medical field – and particularly for those at risk of anaphylactic shock. The app works as follows: 1. It raises an alert to up to five friends, family or work colleagues automatically showing a map of where you are. The app can be used on both iPhones and Androids and the alertees can easily be changed so that at work you can alert your colleagues and then, at the weekend,change that to family and friends. And all of this only costs you £4.99 a year, 10% of which goes to the charity who initiated the download. For more information, check in to the Alert5 website here. October 2014 If you found this article interesting, you will find many more articles on anaphylaxis here, and reports of research into anaphylaxis here. |