The Seaweed Health Foundation – Dr Craig Rose |
Seaweed is known as a highly nutritious, natural and tasty food source which has been utilised for millennia around the world to deliver multiple health benefits. This traditional food is now seeing a resurgence of interest for food and health, thanks to its unique nutritional profile, taste and the fact that it is totally sustainable. In the UK, seaweed harvesting ranges from small scale artisan operations to larger scale commercial activities. Even at the largest scale, the sustainability of harvesting wild seaweed is well-known, with the largest UK company (Hebridean Seaweed Company) working in partnership with the regulators and winning numerous awards for their approach. The environment in which seaweeds thrive is harsh.Some plants will be covered by sea water at high tide for part of the day, and then exposed to drying winds or fresh rainwater at low tide. To survive, seaweeds needto be able to adapt, and it is often these adaptations, such as high levels of antioxidants, that offer the health benefits to humans. Because of the wealth of information available on seaweed, the Seaweed Health Foundation and its members have developed courses to train and educate on the benefits and uses of seaweed. (See below.)
First published November 2011