NAET: when and how to do it yourself

Alberto Rivas's wife has long suffered from multiple allergies but, as anyone who read Alberto's article about Healing Machines will realise, they are tireless in their search for new ways to manage her allergies.

However Alberto warns that the following article which relates his experience of using Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) to treat his wife's allergies, is intended to provide you with ideas and information, it is not a substitute for medical advice and neither Alberto nor can accept any liabitlty for its use.

Ten years ago, my wife and I both had allergies. I was allergic to milk, wheat, citrus, sulphites and chlorine and, if I consumed any of these, would get an itchy and suppurating rash at two specific points on my legs. My wife was multiallergic and required desensitization treatment at the Breakspear Hospital in England over a three year period.

When a friend told us about NAET, we were curious, but also sceptical, yet we went to see a NAET practitioner - just in case - and both had a treatment.

Two days later we knew we were on the right path. As I had clear physical allergic symptoms, it was easy to recognise the treatment's success when symptons previously caused by the allergen that had been the focus of my treatment disappeared. My wife's allergies were much more numerous and complex, so perseverance and patience were required in her case.

As everybody knows, there are some people out there - particularly Virgos and some Scorpios - who always want to know exactly how things work. Being one of them myself, I bought both of the two books available at the time by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, the founder of NAET ("Say Goodbye to Illness" and "The NAET Guidebook") and started reading.

What fascinated me from the beginning was the treatment's simplicity, and the logical explanations of how it worked.

As it was so simple, I began to wonder whether we could do it ourselves.

The treatment consists of tapping along both sides of the spine in a descending movement, four times, while the patient holds the chosen allergen. During the first tapping sequence, the patient inhales and holds his breath. During the second, he exhales and holds his breath. During the third sequence, he pants and, during the fourth, he breaths normally.

Next, the patient's response to the allergen is checked by means of muscle testing. If the treatment is successful, the muscle remains strong. If weak, the procedure is repeated.

A thirty second massage is then carried out on each of eight specific points on the body to "close the gates".

Finally, the patient continues to hold the allergen for thirty minutes, while resting, before releasing it and avoiding it for the following twenty five hours.

So, surely anyone can do that, can't they?


But, before answering this, let's look at the process in more detail.

According to Dr. Nambudripad, the human body has electromagnetic currents running through it and, sometimes, some of these will clash with the energy fields of certain substances or items - the allergens - when coming into contact with them.

The brain perceives this situation and alerts the immune system, which goes into attack mode and starts to deploy its defences against the 'enemy'. This produces different types of symptoms (allergic reactions), including blockages in the energy system affecting specific organs in the body.

As our main organs are connected, via the autonomic nervous system, to different points along the spine, tapping on these points, while the patient holds the allergen, stimulates the said organs, and, hopefully, eliminates the electromagnetic clash of energies described above.
If the treatment works, the energy blockage disappears and the brain directs the immune system to retreat as the allergen is no longer considered an enemy.

No defences are now needed. There are no symptoms and no allergic reactions. Done!

So we can do it ourselves. Right?

Well... not necessarily. The treatment may appear deceptively simple, but there are other points to be considered before attempting to do it yourself.

l. The patient could have an anaphylactic shock during the treatment and that is seriously bad news if you do not know what to do about it.

2. You need to use kinesiology to check the patient's allergies in order to know which ones should be treated and, later, after the treatment, to check again to see if they have been 'cured' or not.

3. You need to have certain vials of substances that usually have to be treated for and cleared first, before starting the treatment of the patient's 'personal' allergies. Later, if the treatment has not been 100% effective, you may need these same vials, as well as additional ones (plus more kinesiology) to check and treat the allergens in combination.

4. The practitioner, due to his knowledge and experience, might see yet other possibilities or angles that amateurs will miss. He will also know about other ancillary practices concerning the treatment which might easily be overlooked.

So, it is not as simple as it may at first appear.

In our own case, we began by going weekly to a NAET practitioner for over a year to treat my wife's allergies (mine were cured in less than ten visits), we learned kinesiology, we bought another two of Dr. Nambudripad's books, as well as two by Ellen Cutler ('Winning the War Against Immune Disorders and Allergies' and 'Live Free From Asthma and Allergies'). We also bought the food allergen test kit from BIOSET, as well as hundreds of additional vials from in order to be able to test many other products like vitamins, organs, neurotransmitters, etc., and we have been using NAET ourselves, when necessary, ever since.

Sometimes an allergy reappears, for unknown reasons, and needs to be treated again. You may also have to treat the same allergen several times, alone or in combination with other vials. While most allergens can be cleared in one or two treatments, this is not always the case, and my wife needed around thirty treatments dedicated to dealing with formaldehyde alone. And, sometimes, you have to NAET new substances, such as medicines, that the body has not encountered before.

So, here's what I would do, although please note that I have no qualifications whatsoever in medicine or health care, so this is only my personal opinion.

If I had just five or ten specific allergies I would just go to a NAET practitioner for treatment. However, if I was multiallergic and needed hundreds of treatments, one or more per allergen, I would think about reading books and trying to do it myself, but only after first visiting a practitioner several times to get practical, first hand experience of the methods.

Whatever course you take, NAET can certainly help you to treat your allergies, but how you go about it is your decision not mine.

Good luck, and all the best with this.

First published in December 2010

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