Blueberry Almond Milk
Magic Maca Bliss Balls
Maca is a fantastic superfood, full of protein and minerals and very energising. Have one (or two) of these mid-morning or late afternoon when you’re starting to flag, to perk you up. The maca plant grows at higher altitudes than any other plant in the world. It can also withstand extremes of temperature – intense heat and biting cold. So it provides us with that energy of endurance, of being able to battle through life no matter how high the mountain or how fierce the storm! Ingredients
Broccoli Bonkers Serves four People often write and tell me how much they enjoy my recipes, but one of the best messages I’ve ever received was the lady who told me I even managed to make Spirulina taste good! Some accomplishment, I’m sure many of you will agree, and here you can test it out with this recipe. Ingredients