Freefrom Fish Soup Corn, egg, gluten, lactose, milk, nut, peanut, sesame, soya & wheat free
A very easy, but impressive soup but, for it have the best flavour, you must give time to cook the vegetables and anchovies really slowly. It tastes better if you can cook it up to the point when you would add the fish ahead of time. When you are ready to serve it, reheat the soup gently and add the fish. This allows you to get the full flavour of the slow cooked vegetables while still retaining the fresh flavour of recently cooked fish. Serves 4
Serves 4 - per portion Good Source of: Vitamin B6, B12 & selenium We have over 800 delicious freefrom recipes on this site all of which are gluten free, most of which are dairy and lactose free and many of which are free of most other allergens. Please go to the following sections to try them out: