Freefrom Strawberry Coconut Tart Corn, egg, gluten, lactose, milk, nightshade, nut, peanut, sesame, soya & wheat free; can be corn & nut free
This was conceived as an all-coconut recipe but you may prefer to use your own favourite pastry gluten/dairy-free recipe - or even a ready made pastry... If you want to go for the full coconut experience: Coconut flour does not make good pastry on its own, but we found that the combination of coconut and ground almonds worked well. If you use the coconut oil as well the resulting pastry does have a distinct, though not unpleasant, flavour of coconut although the cream scarcely does. Serves 6 Ingredients
Serves 6 - per portion We have over 800 delicious freefrom recipes on this site all of which are gluten free, most of which are dairy and lactose free and many of which are free of most other allergens. Please go to the following sections to try them out: