Doves Farm Freefrom Sponge Layer Cake Egg, gluten, lactose, milk, nightshade, nut, peanut, sesame, soya & wheat free
Serves 6 Clare Marriage spends much of her time experimenting and testing the recipes that appear on the Doves Farm flour packs. She is especially pleased with this one, which she developed with their self-raising (self-rising) GF flour - and so she should be as, spurred on by the desire to be able to offer a really nice sponge cake to her son’s egg-allergic housemate, she has managed to achieve a near miracle in free-from bakery - a delicious egg-free and gluten-free sponge cake!
Serves 6 - per portion We have over 800 delicious freefrom recipes on this site all of which are gluten free, most of which are dairy and lactose free and many of which are free of most other allergens. Please go to the following sections to try them out: