diaryfree ice cream

Pure Ice Creams and Sorbets
by Liz Bygrave

This booklet gives you fifteen ice cream and sorbet recipes, all made
without sugar, dairy, wheat or processed ingredients.

None of the recipes require cooking, and the only special equipment
you need is an ordinary blender, and either a freezer or an ice cream
maker. They are much easier to make than ‘normal’ ice cream, and are
very refreshing, satisfying and delicious.

All the ingredients used in the recipes are natural and unprocessed or,
at the very least, very minimally processed. You can buy some of them in
the supermarket, whilst you will find others in good health food shops.
The Sweet Sensations online shop sells the sweeteners, coconut chips,
coconut oil, raw chocolate powder, cacao nibs (and the lucuma, raw
carob powder and mesquite powder needed for a couple of the recipes).


Spicy chocolate hazelnut

Smooth, silky, velvety...but with a kick.
If you just want the smooth, silky, velvety bit, leave out the chili.

1 cup / 140g hazelnuts
1+2/3 cup / 400 ml water
6 Tbs / 40g raw chocolate powder
2 Tbs / 15g raw carob powder
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of chili powder to taste
sweetener measurements
8 Tbs / 105g xylitol
1/2 cup / 120ml agave
1/2 cup / 120ml Sweet
Freedom Mild

Blend the water with the hazelnuts for about 30 seconds.
Strain through a piece of muslin or sieve and return to the rinsed blender.
Add the raw chocolate powder, raw carob powder, cinnamon, chili and sweetener and
blend again.
Process into ice cream.

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