Total Food Allergy - A Medical Black Hole - The Feedback |
John Scott’s story obviously struck a chord with a large number of readers as we have had a substantial postbag either sympathising with his plight or suggesting avenues that he might not yet have investigated. |
John Scott himself says: It now looks unlikely that I will be able to obtain a dose of the beneficial parasite, Necator americanus, in the near future. With safety trials now complete, the next stage is to test the effects of the worms in specific patient groups. An Australian study is already underway with bowel disease patients and a British study with rhinitis patients is due to start in the coming spring. The medic.s involved with the trials will not allow anyone outside the trial groups to obtain a ‘dose’ of Necator and have instructed the scientists who do all the laboratory work not to supply worms to anyone else because, as non-medic.s, they are not ‘qualified’ to do this and don’t have appropriate insurance. At least work on the use of parasites as therapeutics is proceeding and will, hopefully, eventually lead to more effective treatments for allergy and auto-immune disease. The ultimate goal for those working with the worms is, of course, to find out exactly how they modify the immune system and to synthesise the chemicals involved in order to create new drugs which, unlike the worms themselves, can be patented to provide profits for the manufacturers. So far, however, the worms are resolutely refusing to reveal their secret.’ From Sue Cook: My only question for him is whether he has explored any other possible causes for his food allergy reactions outside food itself? I realise he has, like myself, seen a wide variety of senior people - and I have also had the 'all in the mind/neurotic' routine from the NHS. I have worked with doctors outside the NHS system with a wide experience of allergies. I have explored issues like gut parasites - I was diagnosed with several, and treatment at least slowed the rate at which I lost foods. I have been checked for Lyme's Disease; hormonal imbalances; adrenal, kidney and liver function and a variety of other things. I take a range of supplements to support my body. My belief is that there is something else that is out of balance which is causing the severity of my food allergies and which, if corrected, will at least enable me to get back to a slightly more sensible diet. I also had my fillings changed from amalgam to composites in 1989, although my hair/sweat tests did not indicate a mercury problem. Two years ago I did a Kelmer Flush test (the drug-based test for mercury in the body) and came out with the highest result that they had ever seen - the mercury had been buried so deep that it had not shown in ordinary tests. I am now having chelation therapy to remove the mercury, although this is taking a long time due to my weakness and low liver function. However I have had some indication that this may be a big contributing factor to my problems. From Margaret Moss (MA UCTD DipION CBiol MIBiol): Sometimes people are so depleted by infection, grief, pollution, overwork, accidents or surgery, that they lose their ability to deal with a normal environment, and normal food. Common chemicals cause symptoms, as do familiar foods, and radiation from equipment like microwaves, TV sets and mobile phones. John Scott's experiences are familiar to someone who deals with these problems. I cannot of course comment on his case without more information, but I can explain what is often happening in such cases and what we can do about it. We have a limited capacity for detoxification which was designed for life in the Stone Age. It may not be adequate for 21st century conditions. One vital part of detoxification involves making sulphate, and attaching it to chemicals, to change them into less harmful ones. Making sulphate depends on nutrients, like vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, molybdenum, magnesium, zinc and the omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish and flax. Sulphate can be absorbed from Epsom salt baths. Foods like orange, spinach and radish reduce the ability of sulphate to attach to harmful chemicals. Eating a lot of phenol or amine in the diet, for instance from soya, kale, onions, red wine, mature cheese, chocolate or sauerkraut, is harmful for people with poor sulphation. If someone has ME, we can be almost certain that the ability to detoxify with sulphate is poor. Some of the people with the worst sensitivity have livers overloaded with vitamin A. Most people are inefficient in producing vitamin A from carotene, but others are very efficient. If a child is fed on cod liver oil by the dessertspoonful, and then given a diet with plenty of peppers, mango, dark green leafy vegetables and carrots, the liver may be damaged, and unable to detoxify properly. It is then vital to reduce the intake of vitamin A and carotene, and take vitamin E, which protects the body from vitamin A. Sometimes people take many courses of antibiotics, perhaps for acne. These may kill off the good bacteria that should inhabit the gut. It is important to take good quality probiotics, like L Acidophilus and Bifido bacteria, or fungus may colonise the gut. The fungus may damage the gut wall, making it too leaky, so that food passes through into the bloodstream before it is properly broken down. Butter, coconut, mushrooms, parsley and garlic may be helpful. Sugar and milk need to be avoided, as they feed fungus. Foods like bran, whole grains, and whole pulses are impossible for many sensitive people to tolerate, because of the lectins in them. Ricin is a terrible lectin, which killed an employee of the BBC Bulgarian Service some years ago, but lectins in grains and pulses are implicated in much ill health. What each individual needs and can tolerate has to be assessed carefully, by someone experienced in this delicate work. However, it is great to see people become well enough to work and enjoy life again. If you would like to know more, I suggest you look at my website, www.nutritionandallergyclinic.co.uk From Angela Stride RSHom LLSCH: After reading this devastating story about John Scott I thought it only right that he know that there are other avenues to explore. None of these areas are, of course, recognised by any GP or consultant specialist. From Eve Gilmore Natural Medicine practitioner www.archealthcare.co.uk: The sulphation pathway is a particular problem. Those with a sulphation problem additionally have low levels of a sulphur-dependent enzyme in the digestive tract called PST (phenol-sulphur-transferase). This means that production of digestive juices is impaired leading to low stomach acid and gastritis, increased risk of leaky gut and food allergies. Taking Epsom Salts either orally, in baths or as a homoeopathic tissue salt can really help. It is also necessary to support digestion using hydrochloric acid supplementation, digestive enzymes and complex homoeopathics. An organic acids urine test would reveal this problem. |