Pig in the Kitchen Blogspot (contd. from Part 1) |
I feel a bit funny about ultrasound scans in pregnancy. With my first pregnancy I had a scan at five weeks. This tiny blob actually had a heartbeat! It was surreal. I couldn’t wait for the next one at 20 weeks, and grinned away happily at the screen, understanding almost nothing of the technology, just pleased to see that the baby only had one head and was waving the requisite number of limbs. By baby number three they were still all over me with the scanner, it was getting a bit boring, and I wasn't sure I liked my baby being examined quite so often. At least this health authority would tell me the sex. I used to play 'test the radiographer', ‘would you mind telling me the sex?’ When the fourth one had said, 'Look, there's the penis and here are the testicles', I thought it might be an idea to start buying blue babygrows. Open shut open shut open shut open shut. All open perfectly shut normal. There was some explanation in French medical speak as to why the other doctor had heard a heart murmur, but I just nodded and smiled and didn’t listen to a word of it. Open shut open shut all perfectly normal. So I came home and baked these shortbreads by way of a celebration. Heart Murmur shortbread For the base: For the squidgy bit: For the chocolatey bit: Pre-heat the oven to 190C/190F/ Gas Mark 5. NOTE! Cut the shortbread into rectangles before the chocolate is completely set, otherwise the chocolate will crack when you try and slice it all up and your perfect creation will be ruined. For more recipes check in to Melanie's blogspot at www.piginthekitchen.blogspot.com |