Acupuncture for allergy

Dr Elizabeth Chen-Christenson is a family practitioner and a licensed acupuncturist. She practices at the Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine clinic at the John A. Burns School of Medicine. Her full article appeared in the Honolulu Advertiser.

"According to Chinese medical theory, allergic reactions may be a result of a blockage in energy flow, by physical, chemical, emotional or other noxious stimuli. These stimuli are ingrained in our body memory. When we come in contact with those substances, our cells trigger physical symptoms.

"A Chinese medicine approach may involve light acupressure applied along both sides of the spinal column in an area where energy flow intersects with the nerve roots, in order to teach the body/mind not to overreact to noxious stimuli. After the acupressure treatment, a kinesiologic test is done to indicate whether the allergy has been removed. Specific acupressure points are then massaged, or acupuncture needles may be inserted for 20 minutes to stabilize the treatment. For children or those who do not tolerate needles, we use acupressure only. If effective, the person may no longer need to go through long-term fasting, elimination diets or lifelong avoidance of allergens.

"While there is no modern literature to support the effectiveness of this treatment, the concept is thousands of years old. Reputable medical institutions such as Duke Integrative Medicine are now trying this approach in their programs. Many patients indicate that it has been effective in reducing the need for medication in the treatment of their allergies and other related chronic conditions such as eczema and asthma, chronic fatigue, insomnia, etc."

First published in 2010


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