Allergen-free rubber from dandelions |
The elasticity of natural rubber is an essential element in around 30,000 everyday products from car tyres, catheter tubes and latex gloves to tops for drinks bottles, but it can also cause fatal allergic reactions. Now another problem is confronting rubber producers, most of whom are in South East Asia. A fungus which has already all but wiped out rubber tree cultivation in South America now seems to have spread to South East Asia’s rubber belt. Researchers are therefore turning to other sources of natural rubber/latex – such as the Russian dandelion. A further report in Science Daily describes two new European projects investigating the possibilites of two plant species as an alterniative to natural rubber latex – the guayule bush (Parthenium argentatum) and the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum kok-saghyz) – see above. Guayule is considered to be the most promising crop for Mediterranean zones while the Russian dandelion turns out to be more suitable for northern and eastern Europe. The technical performance and economic potential of rubber extracted from guayule and the Russian dandelion are being evaluated through the production of specific prototypes, such as for surgical gloves or tyres. Likewise, the consortium anticipates the creation of a network of collaboration between European research and industrial organisations, to pool knowledge with scientists and government bodies so that Europe does not have to depend so much on imported natural latex. First published February 2010
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