Anto oxidants and vitamins

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Correlation between serum vitamin D status and immunological changes in children affected by gastrointestinal food allergy. July 2017
Another study which looks at the link between vitamin D and food allergy. Lower levels of vitamin D in children were found to be associated with stronger immune responses to food allergens. This is an association study, so we cannot know whether vitamin D levels lead to changes in immune response, vice versa or that they are both mediated by some other independent factor. However, this evidence that an association exists is extremely interesting and is a promising avenue for more research to explore whether vitamin D could play a therapeutic role in children with food allergies.

Niacin Rescues Cannibalistic Hamsters. The Historical Significance of 1940s Mandatory Niacin Enrichment Courtesy of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service - March 2017

NBC's Vitamin Ignorance – An Apology – NBC News recently carried an article quoting 24 studies suggesting that vitamins did not prevent heart disease or cancer. took profound exception to this and, the following day, released a list of their own 24 studies which suggest just the opposite. November 2013

Treating ADHD with Vitamin B-3 (Niacinamide) by Andrew W. Saul, Editor of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service October 2013

Vitamin C, Shingles and viruses – Opinion by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD –

Progress with TB or a Return to the Dark Ages? by Steve Hickey, PhD and William B. Grant, PhD of July 2013

Cataracts and Vitamins: The Real Story by Damien Downing, MBBS, MSB, and Robert G. Smith, PhD February 2013

Vitamin D is Now the Most Popular Vitamin – Dr William Grant of January 2013

Vitamin D Council. Vitamin D is often promoted as the answer to almost every health problem from depression to cancer. The most comprehensive current review of its benefits can be found at the Vitamin D Council website, a significant resource founded and run by Dr John Cannell which covers every aspect of Vitamin D and includes a massive bank of related research reports.

Why you need more Vitamin D. A lot more– Dr William Grant of December 2011

No deaths from vitamins in 27 years - the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service reviews the data. June 2011

Vitamin D: why we need more, to combat allergies amongst many other conditions – and how much to take. John Scott explains.March 2010

The US Institute of Medicine's Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) has just released their latest updated recommendations for vitamin D consumption which the natural health community regard as being way below the minimum needed to maintain health, let alone be used therapeutically. A lengthy discussion on the Dr Mercola site. December 2010

Megadose vitamin C therapy– expounds on the therapy and its safety record. October 2010

Infantile rickets – a metabolic bone disease which causes thousands of infants to be born with fractured bones. A frightening post of the Vitamin D Council's site about a four-month old child who has been taken into care because her fractures were misdiagnosed as child abuse. September 2010

Alpha Lipoic Acid – information from the University of Maryland Medical Centre.September 2010

Vitamin D – an alternative treatment for SAD – Dr Damien Downing - December 2009

The Safety of vitamin and mineral supplements –Dr Alan Stewart 2003

Vitamin B12: the consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency – Dr Alan Stewart 2001


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Research Reports

Vitamin D Council. Vitamin D is often promoted as the answer to almost every health problem from depression to cancer. The most comprehensive current review of its benefits can be found at the Vitamin D Council website, a significant resource founded and run by Dr Jon Cannell which covers every aspect of Vitamin D and includes a massive bank of related research reports


A summary of recent data on the epidemiologic link between sunlight (UVB) and food allergy, and evidence for and against a specific role for vitamin D status. August 2015

First direct evidence that vitamin D sufficiency may be an important protective factor for food allergy in the first year of life. April 2013

Vitamin D sufficiency may be an important protective factor for food allergy in the first year of life. April 2013

Ensuring adequate vitamin D levels during both pregnancy and childhood may reduce the development of atopy and asthma in children although the dosage required may vary between the sexes and between individuals. August 2012

New Vitamin D blood tests are often highly inaccurate June 2012

Low vitamin B12 levels in elders cause brain shrinkage and possible dementia
September 2011

Vitamins E and D helpful in treating eczema
June 2011

Vitamin D may offer protection against radiation damage
October 2008

Low vitamin D levels linked to allergies in children
Febuary 2011

Study links chronic hives with vitamin D deficiency
January 2011

Vitamin C may offer potential life-saving treatment for sepsis
December 2010

Vitamin C rapidly improves emotional state of acutely hospitalised patients
September 2010

US babies get too little Vitamin D
March 2010

Vitamin D successful in reducing seasonal 'flu in schoolchildren.
March 2010

Vitamin D may treat or prevent allergic reactions to common mould amongst asthmatics and cystic fibrosis sufferers.
August 2010

Could the fact that vitamin D deficiency that leads to an accumulation of body fat be relevant in cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and autoimmune disorders? May 2010

Could a lack of vitamin D from sun explain why winter babies are more allergy prone?
April 2010

Vitamin D helps asthma and Crohn’s disease
January 2010

Vitamin supplementation up to age of 5 may reduce allergic disease later in childhood
December 2009

A new role for Vitamin C in skin protection
September 2009

Low vitamin D linked to severe asthma but there does not appear to be a causal relationship.
July 2009

Conflicting reports over folate levels and asthma/allergy - it appears to be both beneficial and harmful...
May 2009

A report published this spring in the US suggests that 30% of multivitamins have either more or less of the active ingredient than claimed on the pack. April 2009

Even well balanced diets may not provide sufficient vitamins and minerals for optimum health.
May 2009

Migraine? Try B vitamins to help methylation
April 2009

Coeliac disease and B vitamins
April 2009

Vitamin D and muscle power
April 2009

Vitamin D deficiency makes bowel disease worse
October 2008

Questions and answers on vitamin D
October 2008

Vitamin consumption linked to lung health
October 2008

Vitamin D deficiency common in bowel disease patients
October 2008

Vitamin D even more Important than previously known
Febuary 2004


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