John Scott - progress, teeth cleaning and - web research...


A recent enquiry as to how John was feeling elicited a response (see below) but also a bunch of research reports accompanied by the following comment:
However, in spite of all these trials, my tooth-cleaning sessions have still yielded the items below, which should help with next issue.
We were, understandably, intrigued and asked how the two might be
connected... This was John’s response:

The refined sugars in feeds like Prejomin cause a rapid proliferation of oral bugs, so I have to clean my teeth thoroughly after every feed. Add to this the fact that my ME muscles can't sustain prolonged repetitive movement, necessitating lots of rests during the cleaning process (unfortunately, I don't get on with electric toothbrushes), and the result is a rather prolonged cleaning session. As I can't bear to waste time, I always do something else while I'm brushing – whether watching TV, reading or working at the computer.
I have been able to cut down the time I spend brushing by always using grapefruit seed extract as a mouthwash (the only mouthwash I can tolerate, and VERY effective!) but the tooth cleaning process is still a lengthy affair, which becomes further extended if I find something really interesting on the net and pause involuntarily while I read it.
One benefit of all this is that my teeth are one part of me that is in really good shape, and my dentist has taken photos of my mouth to show other patients as an example of what can be achieved by good home-care!

Chemically sensitive dental care enthusiasts might also want to check out John’s recipe for chemical-free toothpaste to be found on the Foods Matter website.

As regards his general progress he says:
I'm having to drag myself to the osteopath every week at the moment for treatment of lower back pain, but each of these outings is leaving me wiped out for the rest of the week! Otherwise, I might be feeling a little better, with the temperature fluctuations and restless legs currently under control, although the migraines are still coming fast and furious.
I'm experimenting with gentle yoga, to help support my back but even some of this is too much. All told, it's a case of shifting symptoms rather than outright progress! I'm having to spend so much time on specific therapeutic activities that I'm still not able to settle down to enjoy my music or watch much TV. When these come back on stream, I'll know I'm getting significantly better!

Click here for more research reports

First Published January 2009

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