Study comparing the health of vaccinated to unvaccinated children

A new survey of 9948 participants released by shows that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases. The results of the survey can be seen here.

Meanwhile, a new study carried out by German homeopathic practitioner Andreas Bachmair compiled health data on over 8,000 unvaccinated children from 15 different countries, and compared it to data from over 17,400 vaccinated children involved in a German health study called KiGGS (The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents). The KiGGS survey was carried out to gather representative health data on children and adolescents, because none existed at the turn of the millennium. The age of the participants was 0-17 years, and the data gathered were objective measures of physical and mental health, as well as parent- or self-reported information on health status, behaviour, use of health care, social and migrant status, living conditions and environmental determinants of health.

In every category where the health status of the children was compared, the overall health of unvaccinated children was far better than vaccinated children. The allergy rate among vaccinated children was more than double the allergy rate among unvaccinated children. Vaccinated children were found to be more than eight times more likely to develop asthma or chronic bronchitis.

Another significant difference between the two groups was the instance of autoimmune disorders. Less than half of one percent of unvaccinated children developed an autoimmune disease compared to seven percent of vaccinated children.

Other diseases for which the unvaccinated group fared better were: neurodermatitis, herpes, otitis media, hay fever, hyperactivity, scoliosis, epilepsy and seizures, migraine headaches, and thyroid disease. The single area where there was no difference was for diabetes mellitus, which affects 0.2% of children under twenty.

Source: KiGGS

Thanks to: Natural News

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More research on infants and children

First Published October 2011

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