PANDAS – a frightening condition, thought to be caused by the common 'strep throat' bacteria, whose symptoms can include tics, obsessions, compulsions and anorexia. |
Latitudes is the on-line newsletter of the excellent Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy, a non-profit American organisation which explores non-drug based, often nutritional, approaches to treating anxiety, autism, attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, tics and Tourette syndrome, and learning disabilities. 'I need to die. Please kill me. Someone please kill me!” My 7-year-old is shouting this at the top of her lungs, standing in her pediatrician’s examination room. Her eyes are fully dilated, she’s terribly scared, frozen in place. Symptoms that started a few weeks ago had now exploded out of control. The nurses are wondering what to do. Visit the Latitudes PANDAS forum
First Published in May 2010 |