Please click on the links below to read our articles. If you are interested in research findings, click here for links to research reports. In this section, for the convenience of parents and those caring for sick children, we have drawn together articles which appear in other sections of the site, but are specifically concerned with infants or children. Please read the thumbnails below and click on the title to open the article.Please click the back button at the end of the article, not the 'more articles' button, if you wish to return to this page rather than the section of the site in which the article appears. For a printable version of each article, use Safari 5 (available as a free download) and click on the Reader icon in the address box. ADHD, Aspergers and autism Dr Wakefield, autism and the MMR vaccine. New documents have come to light which show that far from making fraudulent claims about the MMR vaccine and autism, Dr Wakefield's 1998 research was only replicating work done by Professor John Walker Smith two years earlier. Click here, and here for Dr Wakefield's statements - and here for a Natural News report. Conscious parenting: the dilemmas facing 21st century parents. Dr Dietrich Klinghardt is a recognised authority on environmental/nutritional approaches to many of the 21st century’s most alarming and baffling conditions such as autism, allergies and ME/CFS. Homeopath Patty Hemingway reports on one of his talks. Aluminium, vaccines and ADHD/Autism – an article on the Dr Mercola site highlighting the possible toxic role of aluminium, now often used as a replacement for mercury (thimersol) in vaccines, in ADHD and autism .March 2010 Autism conference reports - reports on a series of conferences over the years. ADHD – diagnosis, nature and treatment: examining the complicated nature of ADHD that makes it difficult to diagnose, and possible treatments – John Scott 2007 Bullying: Autistic and allergic children are easy targets for school bullies – find out how to help your child and how to educate teachers and pupils around them – FAAN News and Nick Dubin New Evidence on MMR/autism link: A report on the controversial behaviour of the British government when presented with convincing research of the links between MMR and autism – John Scott 2006 Fatty acids in dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD: introducing the wide spectrum of conditions in which deficiencies of highly unsaturated fatty acids appear to play a role – Dr Alex Richardson Autism – an allergic disease: Brief accounts of the research presented by doctors and professors in the areas linking food allergy and autism at a conference in 2004 Additives and Mood: What to avoid and why – a guide (beginners and others) to additives and preservatives – Sally Bunday 2003 The story of Matthew, Luke, Joe and Ben: A case study of four brothers affected broadly on the autistic spectrum and the impact of removing all dairy and grain/glutens from their diets – Jacqui Jackson 2003 Diet Allergy and Nutrition in ADHD and Autism: Diet, the only area of autism causes not medically studied, is here explained by five experts, along with related digestive disorders – 2001 Report on Secretin in the treatment of autism: Brief report on the new use of Secretin’s positive effects on autistic patients – Latitudes 1999
Anaphylaxis The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) runs a UK allergy service finder listing NHS allergy clinics across the UK. You can only access these clinics thorugh your GP who will refer you/your child if you allergy is deemed to be sufficently serious or complex. However, having the details of possible clinics to hand when you visit your GP could be helpful. The BSACI pages include maps of where the clinics are to be found and details of what services they offer: a child/adult/child and adult service, children's clinics being very much more numerous than adult ones. BSACI Allergy Service Finder. September 2022 How to recognise if a baby has a peanut allergy or is having a serious allergic reaction – some helpful pointers. June 2012 The emotional impact of food allergies in children and teenagers Moving on to college: how to help teenagers with food allergies and intolerances cope when they leave home for university – Carole Risinger 2005 Anaphylaxis and Anxiety: A case study for parents dealing with the anxiety that can arise in children living under the threat of a possible anaphylactic reaction – a member of FAAN (US Food Allergy Network) 2006 Dealing with a Reaction at School: A case study of one mother who evaluated her own response and accordingly took sensible measures to reassure her daughter and instruct staff in the event of a re-occurrence – a member of FAAN (US Food Allergy Network) 2005 Managing Severe Allergies in Schools: Training for school nurses and staff helps to demystify and promote safe management of severe allergic reactions – Sue Clarke 2007 Dairy allergy and lactose intolerance Goat's milk accepted by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as a suitable base for infant formula. Research here, comment here. March 2014 Infant formulae for allergic babies: A review on the conditions that cause babies to need special formulae and what is available – Sarah Merson 2007 Lactose limits: A close look at the varying amounts of lactose in different dairy products, medicines and foods – Dr Stephanie Matthews and Professor Anthony Campbell 2007 Lactose, a sugar not so sweet: The results of research around lactose intolerance regarding lactase deficiency – Dr Stephanie Matthews and Professor Anthony Campbell 2006 The Goat’s Milk Question: An extremely detailed article on the pros and cons of ‘milks’ for all age groups, especially infants. Includes an examination of nutritional values – Frances Dale 2005 Dairy-free children and adults: A guide to help you find out whether you are allergic or intolerant to dairy; what ‘dairy’ actually means in terms of what you must avoid; and many dairy alternatives and book recommendations – Michelle Berriedale-Johnson 2004
Dyslexia/dyspraxia Charlotte and the DDAT programme: Charlotte’s mother introduces a programme for improving the ability of the dyslexic, by basically rewiring the brain – Jackie Bonella Eating out and travelling with a food allergy The Clowes family go to Spain: with one member allergic to egg and milk, the family show how thorough planning can make your holiday perfect – Clare Clowes 2004 Food, travel and culture: one mother’s preparations for the family holiday include learning how to cook like a local so her family don’t miss out a the true cultural experience – Loretta Jay 2008 Eight-year-old Joel’s school trip: how Joel’s mum managed to send her boy off on a three-day school trip after much planning, with excellent results – Janice Thomas 2004 Eczema and skin conditions Zac and the infected eczema that turned out to be MRSA. January 2015 The homeopathic treatment of childhood eczema by Patty Hemingway Practical management of atopic eczema in children: a straightforward set of instructions on how to manage the treatment of eczema in babies and children – Ann Marie Powell 2008 Avene-les-Bains and its healing waters: how the waters at this hydrotherapy centre in France have helped heal inside and out – Sara Hannan 2006 Starting school with eczema: how to prepare for passing the Sandra and the eczema elixir: the story one little girl and her eczema that inspired the creation of The Green People skin products – Charlotte Vøhtz 2004
Eosinophilic disorders Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders – Tylor’s Case: the story of one boy who dwindled to not much more than skin and bone before doctors realised his immune system was protecting him from food itself – MSNBC.com 2007 Samuel’s story of total food allergy: a mother’s story of her son, Samuel, who is very probably allergic to all foods and drugs too – Amanda Cordell 2005 EGIDs – Caitlin and Erin’s stories: two mothers’ stories of their baby girls who suffer from eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders, and how they have coped over the years – Kelly Walker and Nicky Chappell Prevention, management and treatment of food allergy How to concieve healthy babies - the natural way. Could pre-chewing your baby's food (and sucking its pacifier to clean it) help guard against allergies? May 2013 Childhood food allergies: Current diagnosis, treatment and management strategies. Review from the Mayo Clinic. May 2013 Can probiotics prevent food allergy? Interesting post on YesNoBananas blog. January 2013 How to recognise if a baby has a peanut allergy or is having a serious allergic reaction – some helpful pointers. June 2012 Hazelnuts – a new ingredient for formula milk for pre-term babies. Hazelnuts could provide the fatty acids normally available through breast milk, but which have not yet appeared in the breast-milk of mothers of pre-term infants – but could this be an issue in families witha history of nut allergy? May 2012 Excluding potential allergens from nursing mother's diet does not appear to protect breast-fed babies against allergies. AAAAI report. March 2012 A picture book, The Princess and the Peanut: A Royally Allergic Fairytale, should help kids aged four to nine learn about food allergies through a fairytale classic with an allergic twist. March 2012 Prevention of atopic disease in children – Guidelines from the Irish Medical Times December 2011 Allergies aren't always forever for kids Good dental care especially important for children on special diets Hidden allergens in the classroom: John Scott points out some danger areas in the classroom. 2007 Children’s allergy service on the NHS: introducing the new state-of-the-art allergy clinic at the Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, UK – Michelle Berriedale-Johnson 2007 Teen Troubles: Analysis of the teenage brain and ideas for the best way to help your teenager live stress-free when managing allergy and intolerance - Anne Muñoz Furlong 2006 Tips for food allergic and intolerant children starting school: a mother of two allergic children, and Foods Matter’s Allergy Agony Aunt, gives some invaluable advice – Gail Sinfield 2005
Mental Health Explaining anxiety to youg kids - excellent book by Dr Tamar Chansky October 2012 PANDAS – a frightening condition, thought to be caused by the common 'strep throat' bacteria, whose symptoms can include tics, obsessions, compulsions and anorexia. A parent's view. 05/10 So Sad, So Young, So Listen! The forward, by Phillip Pullman, to a book on childhood depression from ages 5-16 published by the Royal College of Psychiatry Children’s Mental Health – feeding the next generation 2004: Introduction to the modern diet’s effect on our children’s mental health, together with evidence of positive changes in behaviour after diet improvement – from 2004 Feeding the Next Generation conference Children’s Mental Health – feeding the next generation 2003: a look at some alarming statistics on the health of our children, and how to improve through nutrition – A Pavilion Conference 2003
Nutrition Infantile rickets – a metabolic bone disease which causes thousands of infants to be born with fractured bones. A frightening post of the Vitamin D Council's site about a four-month old child who has been taken into care because her fractures were misdiagnosed as child abuse. September 2010 A Celebration of DHA: 40 years ago, evidence began to show a special role for DHA as a brain selective nutrient. This conference has brought together research from the intervening decades, and the consolidation of this knowledge is hoped to inspire action to preserve and restore marine resources and the marine-to-human food chain – May 2010 – Cressida Boyd Paediatric Nutrition Mineral deficiencies and their fallout: the importance of minerals and trace elements in food allergy, food intolerance and the bio-chemical health of the body – David Thomas 2002 (See 'Emma-jane') Mary’s story: a mother’s story of her allergic baby daughter – Sam Collett 2007 Callum’s story: Vanessa Gibbons read 'Mary's Story' (above) in the April Foods Matter and it brought back so many memories of her own struggles when Callum was a baby that she picked up her pen... 2007 Pig in the kitchen: a mother of four tells how she deals with intolerances in her family, including a delicious recipe – Melanie Fenson 2007 Total food intolerance – Rhiannon: a personal history of the first six years or so of her life, provided by her mother – Sarah 2006
Radiation Should we worry about the amount of radiation delivered by cone-beam dental scanners – especially for children with braces? A long blog article from natural health guru Jon Barron December 2010
Vaccinations – also see our new Vaccination section Parents of egg allergic infants may wish to check out VACTruth's research into both the varying claims of teh safety of the MMR vaccine for children with egg allergy, and the safety/desirabilty of the alternative single mumps vaccine now on offer which is cultured from the kdiney cells of dogs. June 2012 Sane Vax - a very useful site 'established to provide a single site for information to help you: Aluminium, vaccines and ADHD/Autism – an article on the Dr Mercola site highlighting the possible toxic role of aluminium, now often used as a replacement for mercury (thimersol) in vaccines, in ADHD and autism. March 2010 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - vaccination guidelines Concerns over legal vaccination coercion Compulsory MMR jab – a human rights issue? Vaccination: an in-depths analysis
Research Reports |
Associations of self-reported allergic diseases and musculoskeletal problems in children: A US population-based study. June 2017 Clostridium difficile colonization and/or infection during infancy and the risk of childhood allergic diseases. May 2017 The prevalence of food allergy and other allergic diseases in early childhood in a population-based study: HealthNuts age 4-year follow-up. April 2017 Growth of Children with Food Allergy March 2017 Review suggests that the immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of allergenic foods can provoke oral tolerance if introduced early to infants' diets. Feb 2017 Introducing Allergenic Food into Infants' Diets: Systematic Review. Pre- and probiotics for allergy prevention: time to revisit recommendations? The role of food allergy in infant colic is still unclear. However, where there is a suspicion of food allergy, a short trial with an extensively hydrolyzed cow's proteins formula or, if breast fed, with maternal elimination diet may be considered a reasonable option. March 2015 Babies who are fed only breast milk have microbial communities that seem more ready for the introduction of solid foods. February 2015 Planning for children's future health should start before pregnancy, with: Breast vs. bottle feeding in rhesus monkeys: Marked difference in intestinal bacteria, immunologic development. Septemebr 2014 Recent advances on diagnosis and management of childhood asthma and food allergies. Italian Journal of Pediatrics. December 2013 Newborns exposed to dirt, dander, germs may have lower allergy, asthma risk. Benefits not found for older children. June 2014 Goat's milk found to nuitrionally adequate for term infants. May 2014 First direct evidence that vitamin D sufficiency may be an important protective factor for food allergy in the first year of life. April 2013 Overview of the use of probiotics in paediatric allergy. Castellazzi et al. Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2013. Eating fish in infancy not only appears to reduce the risk of fish allergy but of food and seasonal allergies in later life. April 2013 Cow's milk formula is of supplemented with prebiotic short-chain galacto-oligosaccharide. However, these can cause alelrgic reactions in atopic children who are not cow's milk intolerant. December 2012 Over 700 bacteria identified in breast milk, and, if these prove to be important for the development of the immune system, their addition to infant formula could potentially decrease the risk of food allergies. December 2012 While the more mature mucosal lining of the intestines of older children are able to protect them from free fatty acids created during the digestion of infant formula, those of premature infants are not and it is thought that these fatty acids damage cell membranes leading to necrotizing enterocolitis, the leading cause of death from gastrointestinal disease in premature infants. December 2012 Migraines linked ot behavioural problems in children September 2012 Ensuring adequate vitamin D levels during both pregnancy and childhood may reduce the development of atopy and asthma in children although the dosage required may vary between the sexes and between individuals.Augusrt 2012 Stress influences childhood allergy Introducing solids from 4 months of age may decrease the risk of food allergy and coeliac disease - updated guidlines.April 2012 Low vitamin D levels linked to infant food allergy Whooping cough vaccine fades in pre-teens April 2012 Strong link between childhood migraine and childhood eczema, rhinitis and asthma Mothers who suffer from migraine more likely to have babies with colic. Fewer allergies in unstressed babies Delaying the introduction of solid foods can influence allergy in childhood Infant food allergy: where are we now? Dr Janice Joneja charts the change in approach to infant food allergy from avoidance to induced tolerance. January 2012 Early feeding practices and the development of food allergies Allergies linked to a baby’s birthplace and how they’re born Why black children may be more likely to develop food allergies The fewer species of gut bacteria children have, the more likely they’ll have allergies by school age: An exploration of the association between neonatal faecal flora and the development of atopic disorders until the age of six years Early allergy risk affected by prenatal pet exposure, delivery mode and race Toxic chemicals in children’s car seats Whey-based infant formula may not prevent allergies Food allergies affect one in twelve US children No need to hold back on milk or nuts in babies No party time for children with allergies Bringing up baby: how best to avoid allergy Swedish study provides evidence of link between vaccination with Pandremix and narcolepsy in children and adolescents Head lice shrivel with chemical-free warm air device Influenza vaccines may vary in amount of allergic components Try Xylitol for ear infections. Infant formulas still contaminated with aluminium Fortifying infant formula with essential fatty acids DHA and ARA strengthens infant immune health. Formula milk still falls far short of breast milk in benefits delivered Possible link between childhood obesity and allergy Eczema in infancy and early childhood may be a significant factor in later behavioural and emotional problems. Febuary 2010 Vaccines' Dark Inferno: What Is Not on Insert Labels? A Townsend Letter exposé by Richard Gale and Dr Gary Null's – December 2009 Toxic baby bottles Heavy metals in children’s face paints Breast milk is time specific Mercury in vaccines implicated in developmental delays in infant monkeys Chronic cough in under tens likely to be caused by reflux or allergy Mothers' health in the days and weeks prior to becoming pregnant may determine the health of offspring later in life 1October 2009 Fragrance allergens found in babies' bathwater Does suspected or diagnosed infant allergy predict adult allergy? Pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor, or PSTI, an ingredient in colostrum, the milk produced in the first few days after birth, has been found to protect and repair the delicate intestines of new born babies. June 2009 Soft lights reduce anxiety Children's bath products contain formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane Anti-vaccine stand based on research Greatly increased risk of food allergy for male black children Maternal smoking eradicates breastfeeding allergy benefits Study recruits needed Useful titbits from the US Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Childhood hay fever Baby bottle makers ditch BPA... ...but toxins still common in baby products Supplemental formula could reduce risk of allergy Toy care Childhood constipation as serious as asthma or ADHD Children with milder depression may get little help from antidepressant drugs Aluminium replaces mercury in childhood vaccines - an alarming report on the Dr Mercola site about the replacement of mercury with alumnium in childhood vaccines in the US and the possible immunological and neurological implications. Children who are exposed to lead before birth face an increased risk of developing schizophrenia in later life What to do when your child is ill in the night - including advice on easing asthma, allergies and eczema. Powdered milk helps kids
overcome milk allergy Childhood virus linked to asthma Rice can trigger severe allergic reaction in children Dyscalculia Age of gluten exposure impacts development of coeliac disease Paracetamol gets the thumbs down Breastfeeding associated with decreased childhood behavioural problems Unwanted pregnancy linked to increased schizophrenia risk in offspring Big pharma ties want to shut down vaccine 'conspiracy theories' Better than sedatives: acupressure calms children before surgery Children with hayfever more likely to experience headaches and facial pain Probiotics appear safe and effective in treating children with IBS Respiratory problems in childhood linked to anxiety in later life Even foetuses are harmed by air pollution Evidence that perchlorate may reduce iodine levels in breast milk People with and carriers of fragile X syndrome are likely to have additional conditions Food allergy in children in the US up 18% - 4% of US children now suffer food allergies Study finds young children can develop full-blown OCD Viral wheezing infections linked to childhood asthma Infection with stomach ulcer bug may protect against reflux disease Parental asthma knowledge linked to children’s asthma control Prebiotics could help reduce infant allergies Safe vaccines still possible for most vaccine-allergic children Unimmunized kids less likely to get chickenpox if vaccinated after exposure Higher allergy risk in kids due to traffic pollution Stress during childhood increases the risk of allergies Childhood diarrhoea: treat with zinc over 6 months of age Concerns over arsenic in baby rice Trendy medical ID Major mumps outbreak suggests vaccination doesn't work Childhood allergies - conflicting views Organic milk provides higher levels of rumenic acid Cough medicine concerns A child's trip to the hospital doesn't always have to involve fear and tears Vaccination: an in-depth analysis Omega 3 fats can protect children against allergies Acupuncture works with ADHD children Talk therapy may help kids with chronic stomach pain Chemical additives - are they slowly killing our children? Mothers who smoke may be cancelling out protective effect of breastfeeding against asthma and allergies Chlorella may help to reduce dioxin residues in breast milk New guidelines on diagnosis and managment of ME/CFS in adults and children Children may be receiving too high a dose of steroids Concern about the safety of cough and cold drugs for children under six Adolescents' experiences of being food-hypersensitive Soy isoflavone may reduce a baby's susceptibility to rotavirus infections Children diagnosed with allergy early have a 20% reduced risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Early exposure to food allergens may boost later tolerance Pregnancy, diet and eczema Pregnancy, diet and peanut sensitisation Kissing babies can trigger peanut allergy Peanut oils in sun screens Some infections may increase childhood coeliac risk Can rage be treated with vitamins? Peanut-allergic teens at risk Soya baby formulae don't prevent allergy and food intolerance Timing of cereal introduction critical for allergy infant avoidance Will prebiotics help infants at risk of atopic eczema? Insecticides & childhood leukemia Israel health ministry warns over soya Pregnant? Home chemicals can increase risk of asthma Some children with recurrent otitis media maybe suffering from allergies which inhibit their ears’ ability to drain. September 1998
NB Information on this site is not a substitute for medical advice and no liability can be assumed for its use.