The current plastic model in use for certifying the amount of radiation from a mobile phone than can be absorbed by a head is modelled on the heads of the top 10% of the US military recruits. The Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM), due to its size and the fluid used inside it that represents brain tissues, greatly underestimates the specific absorption rate (SAR) for typical phone users, especially children and small adults. Smaller heads than SAM will absorb a higher SAR, and the fluid that represents the average electrical properties of the head cannot represent the differential absorption of specific brain tissues, especially in the heads of children and small adults. The SAR for a 10-year-old child is up to 153% higher than for SAM. When looking at the electrical properties, the rate of absorption for a child’s head can be over twice as much, and the SAR for children’s bone marrow can be up to ten times as much. The study, carried out by the universities of Utah, US and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America; the New York Medical college, US; the Environmental Health Trust, Wyoming, US and Intrexon Corp, Maryland, US, asserts that a new certification process is needed that incorporates models of different sized heads and tissue properties, as well as different modes of use, and that these should be set by independent, accountable groups, because of the ubiquity of mobile phones. Source: Informa Healthcare For more: Electromagnetic Health.orgRead more research on mobile phones and masts First Published October 2011 |