Priority measures aimed at protecting Russian children from mobile phones – courtesy of EMFIelds


An alert from EMFields describes the measures taken by the Russina National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) to protect children form radiation inthe litcht of the steady grwoth of childhood illnesses which may have arisen from mobile phone use.

If only other countries would take a similarly strong line....

1. It is required that the information that a mobile phone is a source of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF) is clearly shown on the phone itself (or any other telecommunication device).

2. It is required that the "User's Guide" contains information that a mobile phone is a source of harmful RF EMF exposure. Usage of a mobile phone by children and adolescents under 18 years old is not recommended (UK department of Health say under 16s should only use a mobile in emergencies) and mobile phone use should be used with great care in order to prevent health risks. Mobile phone use by pregnant women is not recommended in order to prevent risk for the growing baby.

3. The easiest way to reduce RF EMF exposure is to move the mobile phone away from your head during the phone call. Keeping calls short is another way to reduce the exposure.

4. The RNCNIRP considers it is reasonable to develop mobile phones with reduced EMF exposure; even forced limitation as to the number and length of calls allowed in any given period.

5. Include courses on mobile phones use and issues concerning EMF exposure in school timetables.

6. It is reasonable to set limits on mobile telecommunications use by children and adolescents, including a ban on all types of phone adverts aimed at youngsters, especially adverts with children in them.

7. The RNCNIRP is ready to assist the mass-media in their awareness-raising work and EMF educational activities and, in particular, to provide information about the newest research showing the impact of EMF on human health and the measures to reduce the negative impact of this technological hazard.

8. Better safety criteria for children and teenagers are required as soon as possible. This should take into account the need for protection for growing, vulnerable children, whose cells, growing and changing rapidly, can be damaged severely, leading to serious health problems.

9. Development of an impartial national program (without influence from the telecommunications industry) for studying possible health effects from chronic EMF exposure of the developing brain is necessary.

More articles on mobile phones and masts

First Published in May 2011

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