Electrical hypersensitivity triggers and treatment. |
EMF expert Melody Chan Graves to give us an update on the latest research regarding electrohypersensitivity and what cutting edge environmental docs like Dr. Bill Rea of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, TX are really seeing with their patients.
Dr. William Rea shared insights about electrical hypersensitivity gleaned from nearly thirty years of working with environmentally ill patients. Inside, decrease your toxic load. Shield building wiring, and try to have some walls in each room with no interior wiring. Place the bed in the middle of the room. This aids in reducing exposure to any electromagnetic fields coming from your existing house wiring. Choose a hardwood or ceramic floor. These are the materials least likely to trigger chemical sensitivities. Sleep on a wooden bed frame made of hardwood, not pine or cedar. Pine and cedar are high in natural terpenes, which often trigger reactions in sensitive people. Full text copy of Dr. Rea's 1989 study
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