ES – useful links |
This section includes links to other useful ES sites. Click here for links to organisations offering measuring and shielding devices.
Comprehensive listing of ES sites worldwide supplied by the French site www.next-up.org - 2009 www.barcodesinc.com/articles/wireless-health.htm www.bemri.org Breakspear Medical Group The UK's leading environmental hospital treating allergies and chemical/ electrical sensitivities. Coghill Research Laboratories. Run by Roger Coghill who has been at the forefront of electromagnetic research for the last 30 years, the laboratory specialises in bioelectromagnetics, the interaction of electricity and magnetism with organic life. Their work includes the development of therapeutic magnet therapy as well as research into the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, power lines etc. Doctors for Safer Schools Dr Magda Havas www.emfrefugee.com - resource site for ES sufferers run by Californian 'ES refugee' who now lives in Austria with his emdical dototr wife. Includes special section for children and parents and an intesting blog. www.electromagnetichealth.org www.emrrfsa.org – Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa – South African support and advocacy. www.electrosensitivity.org Interesting and useful site run by ES sufferer Troy Knight. www.es-uk.info - UK support organisation working towards the recognition of ES by the general population and the medical profession, and seeking ways to ameliorate the condition of sufferers. EMF Mercola.com EMF Portal - a web-based information platform run by the University Hospital at Aachen University. Excellent research material (although some only in German) regarding the effects of electromagnetic fields on humans. Aimed at scientists, politicians, lawyers, physicians and interested citizens who want to be able make their own informed decisions. Through appropriate, unbiased research, the US EMR Policy Institute aims to foster a better understanding at federal, state and international levels, of the environmental and human biological effects of electromagentic exposures. Environmental Health Center - Dallas www.hese-project.org - an international scientific internet platform on electromagnetic radiation. www.greenhealthwatch.com - a quarterly magazine which gives the other side of the story on how environmental pollution and the way we live affect our health, and the actions we can take to protect purselves. The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) is a non-profit organisation based in Italy that promotes research to protect public health from electromagnetic fields and develops the scientific basis and strategies for assessment, prevention, management and communication of risk, based on the precautionary principle. www.mastsanity.org www.mast-victims.org A website dedicated to a international community of people suffering adverse health effects from microwave transmitting telecommunications masts & cell-towers in the vicinity of their homes. www.powerwatch.org.uk Radiation Research Trust's aims are to explain what is an often confused issue in an understandable way; make the past and current evidence available to the public and the media; lobby the U.K. Government and the EU to fund and prioritise the research effort and campaign for law and policy change based on proven science. Refugium. Excellent new blog site run by Canadian journalist which includes a list of ES sanctuaries. www.sitefinder.radio.gov.uk This is a UK government run site which, when you enter a post code, will show you the mobile phone and tetra masts in the vicicinty. However, please note that, unfortunately, the Site Finder site has NOT been updated since Summer 2006, as a result of a legal dispute with OFCOM over Freedom and Information requests from the Telecom operators. The Swedish Association for the ElectroHypersensitive www.wavegoodbye.info Weep Initiative - a Canadian initiative to stop wireless, electric and electromagnetic pollution - a interesting and informative site. www.wifiinschools.org.uk www.wifiinschools.com – dedicated to helping others who are questioning if wireless internet, or WiFi may cause adverse health effects particularly for teachers and students in the classroom. www.wiredchild.org www.wirelesseducationaction.org www.wirelesswatchblog.org