Electromagentic Sensitivity (ES) - what is going on - and how it might be treated |
Early in September Dr George Carlo, head of the US Safe Wireless Initiative (www.safewireless.org) spent a day with members of the UK group, describing his and his colleagues’ work on the underlying pathology of ES and the treatment protocol they are evaluating and which they hope may be able to reverse the condition. Michelle Berriedale-Johnson reports.
In layperson’s terms, ES is a condition that locks the body’s cells shut, prevents them taking in nutrients, expelling waste matter and communicating with each other. For the more medically literate Dr Carlo and his colleagues have classified ES as a subtype of a membrane sensitivity syndrome (with suggested links with post traumatic stress disorder, alcoholism and autistic spectrum disorders amongst others). Specifically, they believe the condition is an epigenetic vertical transmission of cellular ion channel impermeability. For more information contact:
Click here for more articles on the health risks of ES