The precautionary approach gains ground - a round-up |
A roundup of news and research suggesting that the precautionary approach to electromagnetic radiation is finally gaining ground. Based on research reports located by John SCott and courtesy of ES-UK. Wifi in schools A new website – www.wifiinschools.org.uk – has been set up by a small group of scientists concerned about the rapid spread of wireless technologies in schools. European Parliament In its mid-term review the European Parliament adopted, by 522 votes to 16, with seven abstentions, a resolution incorporating the following good intentions: • The Parliament declares that the EU needs to acquire specific expertise on environmental health, to be based on transparency and on a multidisciplinary and adversarial approach which would thus enable the general public's distrust of official agencies and committees of experts to be countered.... • Although there have been genuine advances in environmental policy in recent years.... EU policy still lacks a comprehensive preventive strategy and fails to apply the precautionary principle. • The Parliament stresses that, when it comes to assessing the impact of environmental factors on health, consideration should be given first and foremost to vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, newborn babies, children and the elderly. Those who are the most susceptible to pollutants should be protected by specific measures to reduce exposure to indoor environmental contaminants in healthcare facilities and schools. • The Parliament calls on the Commission to draft appropriate minimum requirements to guarantee the quality of indoor air in buildings to be newly built bearing in mind the quality of indoor air, exposure to electromagnetic radiation and the health of particularly vulnerable sections of the population. It also calls for environmental quality standards for priority substances in water to be laid down. • The Parliament is concerned about the lack of specific legal provisions to ensure the safety of consumer products containing nanoparticles being put on the market. • And the Parliament is greatly concerned at the Bio-Initiative Meanwhile in France... New laws, the strictest so far in Europe, are to ban all advertising of mobile phones to children under 12 and the sale of any phone designed to be used by those under six. And the famous French National Library (BNF) has just cancelled a And in Germany... Germany's official radiation protection body has said that people should avoid using Wifi wherever possible because of the risks it may pose to health, and use landlines instead of mobile phones. It also warns of ‘electrosmog’ from other everyday products from baby monitors to electric blankets. Click here for more articles on computers and wifi First Published in 2009 |