
In the winter issue of Gut Reaction the IBS Network’s Christine Dancey reported on research she carried out on a new neutraceutical, IntestAidB, which contains nucleotides - substances, produced in the body and important for the growth of cells that have a rapid turnover, such as those in the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Healthy people are able to get sufficient nucleotides from their food; lamb, liver and mushrooms are particularly rich in nucleotides. The question was whether supplemented nucleotides might improve immune and gastrointestinal function in people who were unwell.

Over a 20-week period those on the trial took IntestAidB or a placebo, interspersed with ‘washout’ periods. The results did show ‘significant statistical improvement’ for those on the supplements in relation to abdominal pain, urgency to have a bowel movement and the feeling of incomplete evacuation.

This of course was an averaged out result - within the group some people improved considerably whereas others improved scarcely at all. However, the added benefit for all concerned that is that IntestAidB, is a neutraceutical and has no known side effects.

The research was published in Nutrition Journal last year: Dancey CUP et al (2006) Nucleotide Supplementation: a RDBPC trial of IntestAidB for IBS Nutrition Journal, 5:16

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