Cold winters encourage birch trees to pollinate early |
In a short article in the Daily Telegraph on February 10th Professor Jean Emberlin, director of The National Pollen and Aerobiology Research Unit, warned that hay-fever-spring 2010 could come early and be a hard one for hay fever sufferers. She explained that birch trees need cold weather (such as we have experienced this winter) to lift them from dormancy. If the winter is mild the pollen can arrive up to two weeks later than if the winter is cold. To make matters worse this year, birch trees tend to pollinate more heavily every other year and 2010 is a year will be a heavy pollination one. Professor Emebrlin expects pollen to start arriving in March with very high counts in many areas. Antihistamine manufacturers are no doubt rubbing their hands, but may this is the moment for hay fever sufferers to try out some allergy shots.... See our reports on Grazax and Dr Moises Calderon's article. Courtesy of the Daily Telegraph
Click here for more articles on hay fever First Published in Febuary 2010 |