Homeopathy for Allergy |
Victoria Vaughan has a severe peanut allergy, asthma, eczema, a dairy allergy and other intolerances ?less difficult to manage but too numerous to mention?. She is currently undergoing homeopathic treatment and reports on its success. |
I had begun to feel certain I was from outer space. Dramatic, maybe but how else could I explain my complete incompatibility with the world at large? Everything I touched made me break out in hives, sneeze, wheeze or vomit. It was in this state that I met Berkshire-based allergy therapist Janette MacKay. And so began my journey to health. As an asthmatic with a fatal allergy to peanuts it would be fair to say I have a 'sensitive system'. For the past four years my reactions to food and the environment had been increasing in severity and frequency. In the NHS
Click here for more articles on treatments for asthma First Published in 2007 |