PANDAS – a frightening condition, thought to be caused by the common 'strep throat' bacteria, whose symptoms can include tics, obsessions, compulsions and anorexia. |
'I need to die. Please kill me. Someone please kill me!” My 7-year-old is shouting this at the top of her lungs, standing in her pediatrician’s examination room. Her eyes are fully dilated, she’s terribly scared, frozen in place. Symptoms that started a few weeks ago had now exploded out of control. The nurses are wondering what to do. Visit the Latitudes PANDAS forum First published May 2012
December 2014 Denis Nagy from Long Island, NY emailed us as follows: Hi, I read a piece you wrote about PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep) and just wanted to let you know that a fairly large subset of children have an offshoot diagnosis of PANS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) which is basically PANDAS but triggered virally as opposed to triggered by strep. In addition, a large amount of those children are affected (meaning increase in frequency or intensity of symptoms) by food additives, chemicals and gluten/ dairy sensitivity .